Jupiter1's Story - (All Natural Regimen)


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I'm a 24 year old male, I have (or had :cry:) beautiful hair in curly black ringlets, its my trademark and its what makes me feel attractive. I first suspected hair loss at 22 but thought nothing of it. My mothers side has NO hair loss on my dads side my dad aged 58 has diffuse hair loss covering NW5/6 and a slightly receding hairline. Interestingly his hair is completely black. As an obsessive and connoseur of hair loss patterns, its a really unusually one since from the distance he looks completely covered its only when you get up close that you realize you can see through to his scalp. He has 3 brothers, one who is a glasses wearing geek of a maths professor a bald NW5 and one, a yoga teacher for 30 years with a good head of hair and a healthy diet (he started macrobiotics in the '70's when no one had heard of it. Now I'm also a glasses wearing (but cool) geek studying pHD with the similar curly hair to his. Hmmm maybe I inherited his damn gene expression

Having just turned 24 in April 2005, I was in the bright lights of the gym and saw a thinning outline in the classic M shape. Naturally I was distraught and started obssesivly reading for hairloss cures. Since I still had my hair I decided that success would be to maintain and for that propecia would be my drug of choice.

I booked in to see a NHS (free med service in UK) dermatologist fobbed me off with a 'Its barely anything' and a 'you'll get used to it' (gee thanks! :evil: ). I then went to get a Tricho-check at Belgravia hairloss centre in London for only £10.00. The service was abysmal and the prices in the region of £1500 for a years treatment consisting of Propecia and Minoxidil. Which I think is extortionate especially when you can self treat yourself for half the price. Anyway the test confirmed my suspicians and I went to a private practitioner who had dealt with my sisters hair loss (a life time of chemical straighteners, blow drying and anaemia). £200 and 5 minutes later the sinecurist had given me a prescription 3 months Propecia. So I shaved all my hair off and got started! This was early september.

I'm a regular poster on http://www.regrowth.com and it was from that that I started to add other things to my program. I've always been a natural kinda guy and have never been comfortable with taking propecia so I began to supplement with naturals. I began with emu oil and aloe vera. I then came across immortalhair's program:


He advocates a natural approach the basis being to use natural supplements or nutraceuticals to control hair loss. What distinguishes him from others advocating naturals is that he backs everything up with research papers. He advocates among other things flax seeds, whose active ingredient is SDG. This forms the bulk of my current hair-maintanance program. Heres a good study:

http://www.flaxlignaninfo.com/rsg_flax/ ... 0A002E0FD8

Results were good: There were lots of vellus hairs sprouting at the front and my hair seemed thicker. However at the 6-8 weeks mark I noticed a dip in my libido and more watery semen. This coupled with my propensity for naturals caused me to consider reducing or cutting out propecia. Since my goal was to maintain I had come across a study that showed mantainance is possible on as little as 0.2mg/day propecia! So I started taking quarters (0.25mg). If I remember rightly there is a 7% difference in the DHT levels between 1mg and 0.2mg of course this is an average.

Here are the studies:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... t=Citation

I also began Immortalhair's program:
By the start of 2006 about 4 months in I had no libido whatsoever.

Anyhow I stopped everything. It could have been one of many factors that stopped my libido.
1) Propecia directly
2) Immortals program
3) A combination of the two
4) Lifestyle - was topsy turvy at the time: Irregular sleep, stress both from work and girlfriend lack of exercise.
5) Winter - naturally lower libido.

Within 2 weeks my libido began to return. However I began to shed and now I have diffuse thinning all over in NW5 pattern, its barely visible as a faint halo around my head.

Since I still have the bulk of my hair and am a natural kinda guys I have decided to begin again on an all natural program and give it a year. This time I'm reintroducing it more slowly and watching the libido. If at the end of the year there is no loss of libido or hair I will continue, otherwise I will consider more conventional treatments.

I have reintroduced the flax seed (SDG's) and so far so good. Its the Beta-sitosterol that I suspect. It will be the last thing that I add as an internal. In the meantime, I'm looking into natural topicals. Heres one I'm considering making:

http://www.holistic-online.com/remedies ... herapy.htm

Anyhow thats the news for now. I'll try to keep this updated and let you know how the natural program goes. :hairy:


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Jupiter, Seems like its been a month since you are on this natrual regimen? Hows it going...I know its really early..but any good/bad signs


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10 weeks into the natural program and my hairloss continued to accelerate peaking at 200/day! Naturals be damned I was losing my hair fast, everytime I sat down at a table another one would fall in front of me. If I ran my hands through my hair, there would be one or more on my hands.

So after 10 weeks I got back on Propecia generic 1.25mg/day.

on May 13th I began using Topical Aloe-Avodart 10 mins per day.

Hair loss has fallen to 20 - 30 day and continues to drop.

I am monitoring for loss of libido.

It is my long term plan to see if I can completely withdraw from Internal propecia and use only topical dutasteride.