Jude Law In "Repomen": What do you think of his hair loss?

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Just curious to see how people felt about Jude Law and his widow's peak nowadays. I've always thought he's a handsome guy and now that his widow's peak has receded a bit more, I think he just looks more distinguished. But if I had never seen him before, I'm not sure what I would think. I would probably think he wasn't nearly as handsome I guess.

Isn't it strange how our preconceived notions of certain people can completely change the way we view them?

If you had never seen Jude Law before in any of his movies and just saw him in "Repomen", would you think he's an attractive or unattractive guy? You can check out some of his newest pics here:


His hairloss is very specific in that it only seems to effect the high widow's peak area, he still has all his temple hair, so if he grew his hair out you probably couldn't even tell.

Just curious to find out how people think his most recent "close-cut" hair-style has effected his image--or if it has at all.
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