Ive Been Shedding Only Short Thin Hairs For A Month Now


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Hi everyone,
So ive been shedding these short thin hairs for a month now.The strange thing is that theres no terminal ones that come out.I was wondering if those are just hairs that are getting worse and worse or it could be finasteride/minoxidil reversing them into terminal hairs?


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I dont really know...hair looks the same but im still shedding those shorter thin hairs.I dont really know if im losing them or its finasteride/minoxidil cycling them back to terminal.They come out in large amounts(I would say 80-100 a day),but still,im not shedding any terminal hair.Did you have terrible sheds in the past 6 months?Maybe it could be tellogen vellus hair but im still not sure...Hopefully they turn out to be cycling back to terminal.