It's time to buy Minoxidil again...




Today I am going to have to go to the drug store and pick up some more of our favorite greasy mess, minoxidil. I hate having to do this. I always get extremely self concious when I have to go and buy minoxidil. I've actually been out of minoxidil for a while, too long of a while, so I have to do this today.

I was hoping I could have some tips or words of encouragement to go do it. Thanks.



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depending on how many cashiers there are...I'd say pick an old lady...they either don't know what the sh*t is or don't care...


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badasshairday said:

I was hoping I could have some tips or words of encouragement to go do it. Thanks.


I've been buying the stuff forever - but I know what you mean - a little weird carrying it up to the checkout - but I'm sure the cashiers don't even give it a second thought.

I buy the 3 bottle pack just for ozbrew purposes - which I don't even use everyday - so 3 bottles seems to last an awful long time.

I also order Dr. Lee's 5% and his zandrox15 on-line . . .

Ordering on-line could be on option for you too. All of those on-line pharmacies sell the stuff.

The Gardener

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badasshairday said:
I was hoping I could have some tips or words of encouragement to go do it. Thanks.

I would walk in and pretend that I didn't give a sh*t about who saw me. Just walked in, head held high, proudly, walked to the minoxidil section, got my stuff, and bought it as if it were nothing more out of the ordinary than a bottle of shampoo.

I don't care if people see, and frankly, from my experiences, they don't give a f*** about what I am buying either. So they look at me buying some minoxidil, is it really that big of a deal?

If it still bothers you, here is an additional tactic. Go and get your minoxidil, then walk over to the condoms section, and pick up a pack of Magnum extra extra-large condoms. When you get to the cashier, lay both down at the window. I gurantee you that the minoxidil is the last thing that any onlookers will be thinking about... and ain't NOBODY in that queue is going to give you any kind of sh*t or say a peep.

When you think about it, EVERYONE who goes to the drug store is there to pick up something embarassing that they didn't want to get or couldn't get at the grocery store. Athletes' feet medication, tampons, prescriptions for God knows what, excema cream, hair dye, condoms, jugs of cheap wine, dirt cheap flip flops, etc. Nobody in that store is getting through with any more pride than you should have!



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yeh, no one even looks at you :D

if u were celebrity , yeah it would've been big deal but you arent so WHO FUCKIN CARES !, those people are going to help u imrpove your hair ? NO, so dont give a f*** about them b****s :hairy:


The first (and only) time I bought minoxidil was from a Walgreens in my hometown. There were 2 cashiers working, one was a hot 18 or 19 yr old hot girl, and the other was some bald goofy looking guy. Naturally, I chose the guy's line. Of course with my luck the person in front of me was trying to purchase a few items without price tags and the guy told me I would be better off going to the other line because it would take awhile. I said "No thats okay, im in no hurry." A few minutes later, the girls line was empty and I heard those dreaded words "I can get you over here sir" . But to be honest, when I placed my minoxidil on the counter I didnt feel embarrased at all. I knew that in about 20 minutes she would have forgotten all about it anyway. I know the next time I have to buy some, I'll be fine with it.


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i dont know why anyone is embarassed. women get breast implants do they feel embarassed? NO!!! They go out flaunting them all the time. you think im embarassed about my rogaine? heck no if it works.

i tell everyone i know that i take it. im like OH YA BABY! U KNOW IT.

do women get embarassed buying makeup? no.

for some reason this society has made people believe baldness should be shun and ridiculed. you know what most guys lose their hair so applaud us for doing somethign to stop it.


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It's time to buy Minoxidil again.....

Hello Gents

As a former WallyWorld employee back in Oct 2003 to make some extra xmas money, believe me, any guy/gal walking up to the cash register with a box of minoxidil wouldnt even be noticed.

To be honest, I only remember two purchases that stood out. One was a man with about 6 pairs of see thru panties. I thought they were so pretty and commented as such..before I could get the words out...She's gonna love them, he said..."I can never find them in my size!" The other was a guy with a box of condoms, a bottle of hot sauce, and a bag of clothes pins....Only thing he said to me...was..."don't ask". I wasnt going to..believe me. In fact, I hadnt noticed, until he said something. LMAO

BTW, yes, I am a woman. And we have to buy some things that would curl hair...but no one notices, and no one cares. Also I have been struggling with my own hair loss. But, I love to come in here and see what the guys are up to. Everyone has such a unique quality about them. Take care everyone....DianaCee

The Gardener

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Wow, there is a girl here!?

Say, DianaCee, could I interest you in a little champangnya?


Gentlemen (& Ladies),

I went to Walgreens and walked in like a soldier straight to the minoxidil. Grabbed the box, and walked straight to the perfect casher, a nice old woman. Nobody even noticed sh*t. Plus I got it for player price... $20 for a Triple Pack.



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badasshairday said:
Gentlemen (& Ladies),

I went to Walgreens and walked in like a soldier straight to the minoxidil. Grabbed the box, and walked straight to the perfect casher, a nice old woman. Nobody even noticed sh*t. Plus I got it for player price... $20 for a Triple Pack.


There ya go! Easy Peasy Japanesy! Now isnt that better than buying something called "douche" ? LOL! :p Take care of the hair, everyone...DianaCee


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The Gardener said:
Wow, there is a girl here!?

Say, DianaCee, could I interest you in a little champangnya?

Of course, Gardener! I havent had campangnya in ages! Bottoms up! DianaCee :)


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SE-freak said:

that made an impression.

I hope it was a good one.... :) Take care...DianaCee