It's getting worse!


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Hi there!
This is my first post here.
I started to loose my hair when I was about 17 years old (I'm 36 now). It was always a little thin on the top of my head, in the same pattern as a man would loose his hair. When I was 18 I started taking the birth control pill and my hair grew like crazy! It was wonderful! But, sadly, I became very very sick from the pill and had to stop taking it 2 years after starting it. The years went on and I just lived with my thinning on the top of my head, I would pull my hair back so that it lays flat to my head and you couldn't see my scalp so much that way. Or I would do a "comb over" and part it on the side and "hold" the hair down flat with a barette.
Anyway, in the last, oh, I'd say 5 years the balding has increased to a scary rate. I'm really getting nervous about how bad it is getting.
I just don't know what to do. I am almost scared to even talk to my doctor about it because it is embarrassing and I also am pretty sure he'll say there is nothing they can do for it.
If you have any ideas, it would be great to hear from you.
Thanks for listening.