Is this a joke??


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Just saw this on : In addition, since it is present in semen, male patients should wear a condom or otherwise avoid exposure of female sexual partners at risk of becoming pregnant.

I thought that this was all a part of the past paranoia? Seriously, I'm jizzin' in my girlfriends mouth all the time :oops:

And the plan is to get her pregnant in a years time and of course don't want to take any risks. Please tell me that this site is just uninformed or 5 years have gone since their last update!


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No Joke, There are potential problems with birth defects of a male fetus

BTW, lucky you

"I'm jizzin' in my girlfriends mouth all the time"


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DAC21 said:
No Joke, There are potential problems with birth defects of a male fetus

I know that a girl shouldn't eat or even touch finasteride if trying to get pregnant or even is pregnant. But I have always heard that finasteride didn't get in the semen. That's why I'm curious.


I have read that also, I think it is way out of date as Merck have withdrawn that warning.

You can't expect an online pharmachy to update the information on hundreds of products regularly.

I was worried because I often masturbate in the bushes at my local park and the last thing I want to be responsible for is a whole generation of mutant squirrels.


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tynanW said:
I was worried because I often masturbate in the bushes at my local park and the last thing I want to be responsible for is a whole generation of mutant squirrels.



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ty is lying again

he masturbates in his parent's basement while posting messages to some guy rawbbie overseas on a hairloss forum, lol- i can just see him now, down there, in the dark, lil' old horseshoe on his scalp, yankin' it while thinking up his next one-liner for rawbbie, lol, trying to make it 4000 posts before this june

not me!

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Rawbbie said:
ty is lying again

he masturbates in his parent's basement while posting messages to some guy rawbbie overseas on a hairloss forum, lol- i can just see him now, down there, in the dark, lil' old horseshoe on his scalp, yankin' it while thinking up his next one-liner for rawbbie, lol, trying to make it 4000 posts before this june

Damn, you know, it's obvious that you guys don't like each other but do we really need to read about it in every thread?


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lol okay, good point, I'll keep all the ty3000 posts in his own thread (sorry!)


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Buffboy said:
Just saw this on : In addition, since it is present in semen, male patients should wear a condom or otherwise avoid exposure of female sexual partners at risk of becoming pregnant.

I thought that this was all a part of the past paranoia? Seriously, I'm jizzin' in my girlfriends mouth all the time :oops:

And the plan is to get her pregnant in a years time and of course don't want to take any risks. Please tell me that this site is just uninformed or 5 years have gone since their last update!

This is an old warning, if you go on there is even a video with a doctor saying it won't do any damage in the sperm, i.e you don't have to wear a condom. The only warning they say is women potenially or pregnant should not handle pills.