Is there a way we can help in male pattern baldness research???


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I just think that because we are so determined to find a "cure" to male pattern baldness, we would be great candidates in assisting the research. I wish I lived in a bigger city than Tucson. I'm sure there is research being done in Phoenix. Maybe not. But I, personally, would volunteer 10 hours a week of my time to help in the search for a cure, whether I'm keeping the computer network up and running, or filling test tubes with chemicals.


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Your help would be welcome!


my name is Andreas Lutz. I read, that you are interested in supporting male pattern baldness research. This is really great and so I´d like to introduce you our "Initiative for the advancement of hair gene research" (Infagen). We are a group of men and women with different forms of hairloss, that want to support and accelerate biomedical hair research. The aim of the initiative is the side-effect free cure of all sorts of hairloss and other hair problems (e.g. graying hair) and the regrowth of lost hair by cell and gene therapy. You will find much more additional information on our homepage
We are still looking for people, that help us! You could help us e.g. by sending our standard contact letter to potential donators/investors. You will find the standad contact letter text below. There are of course also some other ways to support male pattern baldness research and if you are interested, I will be happy to discuss that with you in detail!
My e-mail-address is
Warm regards

Standard contact letter text:
Your name
XY Town

Subject: Support of leading biomedical hair researchers to find a cure for
baldness and gray hair in the near future

Dear Mr. XY,

my name is XY. I am a member of the international "Initiative
for the advancement of hair gene research" (Infagen). We are a group of men
and women with different forms of hairloss, that want to support and
accelerate biomedical hair research. The aim of the initiative is the
side-effect free cure of all sorts of hairloss and other hair problems
(e.g. graying hair) and the regrowth of lost hair by cell and gene therapy.

As you perhaps know gene therapy is considered the 4th medical revolution
(after hygienics, operation in narcosis and antibiotics), as it will offer a
cure for many currently incurable diseases. Also hairloss belongs to the
diseases, that will finally be defeated by biomedical research. Already in
1995 the US biotech firm AntiCancer Inc. showed, that harmless fat bubbles
(=liposomes) allow the very specific and effective delivery of therapeutic
genes to hair follicles. Also several hair growth related genes have been
found since 1995, e.g. the hairless-gene and the nude-gene, that were
discovered by Dr. Angela Christiano (Columbia University/New York). Prof.
Fuchs (Rockefeller University) even created completely new hair follicles in
adult mice in 1998. So this groundbreaking biomedical research may lead to a
full head of hair even for completely bald people.

But still some problems have to be solved before these and other exciting
research results will revolutionize the therapy of human hairloss. These
problems could be solved in about 2-4 years. Up to now nearly all important
research results have come from academic researchers at public universities
and their financial resources are very limited. But modern biomedical
research depends on latest equipment in order to be fast and effective. So
the more money the researchers have, the sooner there will be a final cure
for hairloss and baldness.

We already convinced the US millionaire Mr. Steve Kirsch, the inventor of
the internet search engine, to fund hairloss research.
Following the advice of his medical experts he donated more than 300.000
dollars to Dr. Christiano and Dr. Colin Jahoda, two of the leading hair
researchers. But this can only be a beginning. Much more tax deductibale
donations and/or investments are needed to guarantee fast research results.

So are you also interested in supporting leading hair researchers? We and
the researchers will like answering all your remaining questions. Of course
we will guarantee absolute anonymity, if you want that. Of course you will
be able to talk personally with the researchers and visit their laboratories
before making a final funding decision.

It has to be emphasized, that you can also invest into selected hair
research groups. So if their research is successful, you will make a very
significant profit. You will find much additional information about the
enormous potential of biomedical hair research and the Infagen concept on
our homepage (English version).

Best regards


Established Member
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your kidding me right? your first post ever is about sending money??? And your link is in German....I believe elguapo was talking about collective thought to find a solution, not putting money blindly in the I beleive there are rules against this in this hairloss forum....thanks...


Established Member
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nor would anyone put money in to find a cure for grey hair when the solution is at the drug store and can easily be taken care of in less than a half hour once a month....thanks but no thanks....a cure for grey hair this is f*****g ridiculous......


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You live in Tucson? I live in phoenix, nice to see another local... You have a GREAT hair restoration doctor in tucson. I have done much research, and when I have my operation done it will be there (unless I feel like flying to sydney for the woods technique) Dr. Sharon Keene is her name.


Experienced Member
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I guess I should have entitled that thread "Can somebody please help me piss away all my money?"

Yes, Jblig, thank you- I wasn't expecting that first response. I was simply pointing out the idea that if there are millions of people suffering from baldness, that's a good-sized workforce that could potentially aid the efforts of research.

Sorry, Fight Club is my favorite movie. So many interesting ideas introduced that could really change things.

Now I wonder, is anybody on this site volunteering for any new ideas against male pattern baldness?


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I am a German and have been posting regularly for many years in German forums (e.g. and sometimes in the
Sorry for the confusion. Perhaps I should have explained the aims of our intiative more detailed: We don´t want, that YOU send any money to anyone. What we are looking for are wealthy people or investors, that could donate/invest significant sums directly to leading hair researchers. We only inform these donators/investors about the most interesting research projects and give them the necessary contact addresses of the reesearchers. And of course every interested donator/investor could visit the laboratories of the researchers before making a funding decision. As I already wrote: We already convinced the US millionaire Mr. Steve Kirsch, the inventor of the internet search engine, to fund hairloss research (please see e.g. ... licle.html). But of course we hope to find other wealthy donators/investors soon.
We have been in contact with several of the world´s leading hair researchers (e.g. Dr. Christiano, Prof. Fuchs, AntiCancer Inc. and others) for many years. Modern biomedical research depends on expensive equipment and technology to be successful. So the more money the researchers have, the better will be their equipment and the sooner there will be a final cure for hair problems. Another important aspect is this: Several research groups are looking for the genes, that cause the different forms of hairloss. To find these genes, they need blood samples of brothers and sisters, that are affected with hereditary hairloss (androgenetic alopecia) and alopecia areata. So it is very important, that enough study participants are found soon.
Both aspects can be supported by an initiative of affected people, what should lead to a significant acceleration of the research process. This is the aim of our "Initiative for the advancement of hair gene research" (InFAGen). If anybody wanted to help us, we would appreciate that very much!
Best wishes