Is A Hair Transplant + Rug Combo Feasible For Extreme Baldness?

The Wolf of Bald Street

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Hello, I am 21 years old and diffusing badly in a NW6 pattern, with a NW3 hairline. Barring advances in hair cloning technology and/or stablilizing long term on Big 3 which I am on, it is unlikely that I will be able to have a lower hairline or more coverage than I currently have with current hair transplants. So I am considering just getting one hair transplant where I get a NW1 hairline and densely pack the front third and then wear a rug to cover the crown. I think this would be the best way achieve the density and hairline I desire and to make the rug look less obvious since most problems are due to the hairline on a system looking off. Do they make rugs that cover only the crown?


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Of course

Lotta Hollywood actors

Affleck did it till frontal armani

Its a reasonable solution