Interesting Paper With Several male pattern baldness Approaches


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omicsonline are a series of well-known, extremely low quality scientific journals. In one single glance of the article you posted, I found like 10 ortographical and grammatical errors. Having said that, I concur with several affirmations in the article.

Points that are floating around in my mind:

- why so many people say that LLLT is a scam but independent studies say otherwise? where is the bias?
- I can personally atestify how vitamin d3 dramatically and rapidly repopulated my eyebrows, forearms, pubic hair and globally thickened my head hair, so the article is spot on on that.
- We really need a well-standardized human-based microneedling protocol. There are suspicions that some microneedling protocols induce fibrosis, not to mention the constant risk of infection. Ideally, the minimum depth should be properly established.


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Maybe you are right but since 2 authors are indians I don't think it's fair to point out the ortograph or the grammatical errors.. but this article gathers quite a lot of interesting stuff people have talked about on this forum. such as pgd2/pge2 balance , wnt pathway:lithium chloride(so this does not come from nowhere), and more interestingly beryllium chloride. thefirst time I heard of this drug...). other interesting thing could be topical roxithromycin but I see there are older threads about this. etc..
Also interesting to have a look at the "References": tons of studies for people who can't sleep at night ^^
about LLLT, d3 or anything they talk about; just read the conclusion:
"The exact pathogenesis of Androgenetic Alopecia remains elusive and seems to involve multiple players acting at differentlevels and stages.(...)"
Hard to disagree isn't it? . this alone explains why something may work for some people and don't work for others.
for example :dermaneedling: the authors underline the Dhurat study (67) so they are definitely well informed and know what they are talking about in this whole article
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yeah, you're right. I think this is a very complex disease with several pathways involved and firmly integrated into your genetic firm. Your body will never stop trying to kill your own hair, and the mechanisms it will employ vary from individual to individual. For that reason alone, one has to find the way to evaluate effectiveness with a scientific approach. For example, I think a minimum length of 6 months is necessary to find out it a method is working or not. To quit before that is just adding more uncertainty to your own, personal protocol.