im screwed, good advice needed


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i just started using minoxidil and im not shedding too badly,
but heres the kick in the nuts........

my hairs at the root or whatever have lost the blonde color
and are growing in WHITE!!!!!

my hair looks like sh*t now!!!!
anyone help with advice or if you had the same situation
and it got better

i know some say that their hair just got worse on minoxidil,
well did this happen to you?? is this an early alarm to get
the hell off the minoxidil??

i need some helpin out



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It WILL get worse before it gets better. Almost invariably. But stop if you want.


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i understand that but i was curious if this had happened to anyone or
anyone that they know of and has it gotten better

i m sure the poeple who it didnt work for wished they had stopped
at the first bad alarm and i was wondering if this is one(shedding excluded, its expected)


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I have lots of those white hairs...those are the hairs that got minaturized and now are being prompted, by minoxidil, to get growing again. As the hair minaturizes, it loses its color, and disappears from view. (unless you use a magnifiying glass) As you continue to use minoxidil, depending on you, as an individual responds, the hair will a) do nothing, b) end up as short unpigmented hairs (some people dye these) c) fall out again and come back this time in color but short and thin d) fall out again and come back in color but thicker e) etc etc... you won't know how far minoxidil will take each individual might depend on how long the follicle has been minaturized, how sensitive you are to DHT, how your body deals with minoxidil, what part of your scalp you are treating, etc etc. Shiney :freaked2:


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Exactly. Those white hairs are velous hairs which have no pigmentation. This would be a good sign, if there originally no hair there beforehand. With a little luck they will become terminal hair somewhere down the line.


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shed, im not sure you are understanding (maybe you are)
my hair is going from blonde and some thickness to at the end (been on minoxidil for like 4 weeks) it is thinner and white......

now is that a good sign :eek:


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I see what you are saying.. but I still wouldnt read much into that. You will drive yourself crazy trying to overanalyze thinge :)


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just stick with it. my guess is that these might be new hairs (sounds like when people describe the new hairs growing in) and the old ones needed to fall out and newer healthier ones are comming in. just stick with the big 3 and you will be good to go in a bit.

Hei Lung

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I've never read any reliable tests where such an outcome has been reported.

Consider that they may be new hairs, or that your hair is suddenly going white for some other reason. Simply dye it to deal with the color; you canapply the dye at home in minutes and it will last for a month. Problem solved (except for the thickness bit).


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thanks, anyone else??

please keep in mind b/c i think that people arent understanding

about 1/4" of my hair (the bottom) has went from blonde to white
and also lost density. I started minoxidil 4 weeks ago so I would say that
since starting minoxidil it has thinned and discolored my current hair

now does anyone know from experience or others experience that
this has happened to, that this is a warning that I will not respond??



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caaaaaaalm down. veteran regaine user speaking. this is so funny i can't write right now. when you apply minoxidil and you comb your hair with a brush or hands, the hair you have applied minoxidil, turn white. here is my explanation: you wake up in the morning and you apply minoxidil in the hairline, front. after 30 min you want to style your hair so you start using a brush or your hands on the hair. i don't know if you noticed but minoxidil makes your hair extra hard after 20- 30 minutes. if you brush these hard hair or just try to style them, they turn white.but they are not white as in colour- they only have this leftover of regaine upon them.this also happens if you have applied regaine and then went out on a windy day. bottom line is that when you move minoxidil hair, the hair have this white colour on them due to the fact that minoxidil becomes dry quickly. so don't worry. you don't have white hair. you have dry minoxidil hair