I'm 16 Years Old and My Hair Is Thinning - HELP!


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Okay the past three weeks my hair keeps getting thinner and thinner! When i used to style it it would be so thick!!! Now it so thin its so scary!!!!! I'm 16 years old. My mom side of the family they are all bold. My dad side of the family all have hair. I'm so confused, why is this happening! This was so fast it wasn't like gradual or anything. I used to never see my scalp now i can see it! I don't even know what to do. The only thing that changed about my life was i went to dermo for my acne and he gave those topical creams and antibotics. please help!


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Hello. Welcome to HairLossTalk.com.

I have a few questions for you, please reply to them the best you can. It will help tremendously.

I. Please post pictures of your hair, under good lighting, and clear. You don't need to show your face.
II. When did the thinning start? How many days, weeks, months ago?
III. Is the thinning all over your scalp? Or is mainly your temples?
IV. Are you living a stressful life?

Thank you, looking forward to your reply.

PS: Highly doubt that topical dermatological medication for acne could cause hair loss.