ICX press release- overall positive news regarding HM


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sh*t the more I think about those last four posts the more depressing all this is. I thought it was gonna be a couple of years at about 5 grand. Looks like there's never gonna be a way out of this sh*t.


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If you understand basic economics, you know a new technology or product will be expensive to make up for costs. As time goes on, the price will eventually drop.

They weren't specific on a price range, but they do want to make it affordable for everyone from what they told me in e-mails.


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What's got me worried is the price of their stock. It has been steadily going down the last 2 years.


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Just wanted to emphasize that the "hair direction" thing is not a problem with HM. They inject cells which cause the skin to begin growing hair... from that point on, the process works as it would naturally. You'll have the same annoying cowlick and everything.


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HM is going to work and the government has pumped loads of money in and more capital is being raised as you saw. Biotechs never make any money for years until products are released with licenses so share prices always remain low and wobbly its nothing unusual. Next year is still the earliest this is going to happen and it will be inefficient and expensive to start like all new things...it will slowly get more efficient and cheaper over time. So get saving..the earlier you want it done the more it will cost...


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Nick4441 said:
HM is going to work and the government has pumped loads of money in and more capital is being raised as you saw. Biotechs never make any money for years until products are released with licenses so share prices always remain low and wobbly its nothing unusual. Next year is still the earliest this is going to happen and it will be inefficient and expensive to start like all new things...it will slowly get more efficient and cheaper over time. So get saving..the earlier you want it done the more it will cost...

Well said, it's nice to hear something refreshing instead of all the pessimism I see on the boards about this (not this board, but some other ones)


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jakeb said:
Just wanted to emphasize that the "hair direction" thing is not a problem with HM. They inject cells which cause the skin to begin growing hair... from that point on, the process works as it would naturally. You'll have the same annoying cowlick and everything.

yeah this is what I've assumed from the start. nice to see someone else with the same opinion for a change :) common sense eh? ;)


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flimflam said:
jakeb said:
Just wanted to emphasize that the "hair direction" thing is not a problem with HM. They inject cells which cause the skin to begin growing hair... from that point on, the process works as it would naturally. You'll have the same annoying cowlick and everything.

yeah this is what I've assumed from the start. nice to see someone else with the same opinion for a change :) common sense eh? ;)

Plus, if it works naturally, there wouldn't been a need for an hair transplant for the hairline like what some have said. Another question to is, what is meant by Bosley getting distribution rights when it comes out? Can it be performed at Bosley clinics?


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I think that means that ONLY Bosley can offer it, at least as long as those distribution rights last, and unless Bostey "sub-leases" those rights maybe. I say that last part because I'm not sure how many Bostey's there are in the US. I'm sure they want as many potential customers as possible, and that would mean making HM geographically available to all.

I can't wait until Intercytex tells us SOMETHING about how well the Phase II trials are going.


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bosely will charge tens of thousands. If you think their hair transplants are overpriced, wait till you see their HM prices.

It needs to be offered by more places.


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elguapo said:
I think that means that ONLY Bosley can offer it, at least as long as those distribution rights last, and unless Bostey "sub-leases" those rights maybe. I say that last part because I'm not sure how many Bostey's there are in the US. I'm sure they want as many potential customers as possible, and that would mean making HM geographically available to all.

I can't wait until Intercytex tells us SOMETHING about how well the Phase II trials are going.

has Bosely been paying for the research? That is the only reason I can think of why they'd get those rights.

It makes sense if they are big enough and know that hair transplant will end some day, they would invest in this.


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[off-topic]The more egoistic and self-centered the world becomes, the more are the chances that medical insurance companies will cover the cost for a transplant though...[/off-topic]


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They can't charge TOO much for HM. If it came out to market tomorrow, and they charged 20K USD for it, then richer men would go for it. But then after they are served, they would have to lower the cost for us regular guys to be able to afford it. That's my thinking, anyway. Twice as much as an hair transplant, would be my guess for a max price.


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elguapo said:
They can't charge TOO much for HM. If it came out to market tomorrow, and they charged 20K USD for it, then richer men would go for it. But then after they are served, they would have to lower the cost for us regular guys to be able to afford it. That's my thinking, anyway. Twice as much as an hair transplant, would be my guess for a max price.

Exactly elquapo, it's basic economics. At first, a new product or technology will be expensive. But in about a year or some time later, the price will go down. Intercytex was vague about the price when I asked them in an e-mail. But I don't think they only want to cater to the rich, they know there are men and women who don't have a lot of money who want the procedure too.


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Will Armani br invloved in cloning because he seems to be the only hair transplant doctor who is actually any good. I know a lot of you will say because there is unlimited donor hair anyone can do it but Armani has a good aesthetic eye.


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No one knows although an hair transplant might not be needed although I'm not sure about that.


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Although I hope it will cost less than 20k, i really doubt it. If they find out that it is actually a definate cure of baldness, they will take advantage of it. I dont think they will really care for poor baldies. I am preety sure there are some thousand baldies worldwide who CAN afford a price of 50-60k for a cure.


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Like I said before, it's basic economics. It will be expensive at first, but over time the price will go down.

It's going to come out in Europe before it hits the US obviously. I'll let you figure that out.