I Was Losing Hair At 15. Now I Did My Hair Transplant At 23.


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I wanted to share my story where I was struggling since my teens with early signs of baldness. I remember friends and family members making little jokes about my big forehead and that soon enough I will be bald like all my uncles. I laughed along with them and said that I didn’t care. But I did.

For years I was certain of doing a hair transplant one day. And 6 months ago… I finally took the courage and just did it. I went to Paris and did my hair transplant there in the same clinic as a French YouTuber who showed his results on his channel. It was thanks to his useful videos that I got the courage to do it as well.

The first weeks after the intervention I didn’t leave my house much. And I told (almost) nobody of my surrounding about my hair transplant. But to be honest, after 6 months, it is really starting to look good! Even though the doctors told me that the final results will only be visible in a year.

It’s a great feeling to see that there can be life again on those bald spots. I recently went out to see friends and family again, and nobody noticed anything. And I'm happy for it, because I wanted the transition to be very discreet. But I do see a massive change!

In the meanwhile I try to communicate on social media concerning this topic - so I don’t feel that alone in my ‘hair journey’ and to encourage those who are struggling as well. I tried explaining my own experience in a couple of videos hoping it could help others, just like that French YouTuber helped me. If someone's interested, I will post it here. There is a whole playlist of videos from along my journey and experiences.

Just a small question for the younger here, what’s the youngest person you know who did a hair transplant? I felt very young in the clinic between all those 30-40 year old men… But perhaps it was a coincidence that I was the youngest. Are there others at my age who did a hair transplant in their begin twenties?

Thank you and happy growing everyone!


My Hair Transplant Playlist: here!