I wanna start on Propecia right now


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But I dont know where I should get it. Where can I get it for cheap? Or Cheapest? Im thinking of getting it online rather than from a doctor/pharmacy.



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Get it online. ;P I got a good price from Cyberdrug.net


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ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS see a doctor before using any hormone altering drugs. There is the simple insurance that if something DOES go wrong, they can remedy it... and you have certain legal rights in the event it's hazardous.

If you get it online without a prescription and sh*t.. you're just playing cards with the devil.


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Hormone altering? What does it do exactly? I dont get it. I thought it eliminates DHT.


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And DHT is a hormone. Basically, it's what defines you as a male, chemically. By reducing the amount in your blood, you could potentially mess things up if you can't handle the reduction.

Go see an endocrinologist, or at the LEAST a general practitioner. Or don't.. it's your call.


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Sting is exaggerating a touch - DHT is an important part of the male chemical balance but it does not define you as a male. Testosterone does.

DHT, seemingly, has certain areas that it affects - libido for one, certain development areas during puberty for another.

I've been on Finasteride for....sh*t, 18 months now and I've had NO issues.

George Costanza

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I don't think seeing a derm does you any good. I've seen 2, and they both just walked in and wrote me a prescription for propecia. They didn't even talk about the side effects or ask me if it were o.k. with me. They just handed me a prescription and told me to try rogaine and that was it. They probably spent about 5 mins with me combined. Waste of money IMO.


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I just bought it off the net, didn't bother going to see a GP or Doctor...I gues I should have done but unfortunately I'm very sensitive about my hairloss and couldn't face going to talk to someone about it. The finasteride has not given me any problems to date, but only a month in


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DHT is the male sex hormone. It is the key hormone in the development of the male sex organs, the organs that essentially differentiate a man from a woman. A prepubescent male is (except for a few parts) almost indistinguishible from a prepubescent female.

If you think I'm exaggerating, look it up.


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i thought chromosomes defined whether or not you are male or female test and estro come after.


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testosterone is the male sex hormone. Estrogen is the female. DHT is similar to testosterone, but not the same. You look it up, Stingray


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Im using a shampoo Therapy G, it thickens color treated hair and on the back it says that it inhibits DHT. I wonder if it actually does that or not.


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Sorry, I think you're going to have to let this one go. There are those psuedo-hermaphrodites in the DR who have no DHT and still are very much male.

Once you're a man, the chemical is not as neccessary. Your definition is correct but the application is not; further, the need for DHT is strongly in dispute. There is no reason to imply that a grown man will suddenly become a woman because he begins using Finasteride.

It could, maybe, possibly, sorta, mess you up, but according to the clinical data that chance is minimal. I think Finasteride is more than worthwhile for at least a brief trial.


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Pseudo-hermaphrodites lack one of the 2 enzymes required to synthesize testosterone into DHT.


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Exactly. So they have none in their system. Finasteride inhibits DHT by proxy in the same fashion.