I think I see some thinning, can you give me advice?


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If you really fear it, I suggest using propecia, I did and after about 4 months my hair stopped falling out. It didnt grow back but it stopped falling out. I also use a concealer which is like make up for your hair, you'll have to re-apply it every morning but it takes me literally 10 seconds. There are a lot of good companies who sell hair fibre I use Confidence Hair Fibre because they dont charge for shipping and they donate $2 from every bottle to cancer research. judging by your pics you may not need it yet but its worth a look. www,tryconfidence.com is there website if you need or want more info.

thanks, ill probably get on that. i know it may be hard for you guys to see but to me its clear as day. is it pretty much guaranteed that this is male pattern baldness or could it be something else? like i said i've had alopecia areata before, and i have a think spot in strange area behind my head