I need to hear what you guys think I am torn



Hey guys I am sorry for posting this again but this is a big decision and I really need your feed back.
I have shaved my head down blade 3 and I have defiantly thinned in the crown, so please take a look at these pics and let me know if you think I should add minoxidil and if you think it will help.
I really appreciate it guys.


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I don't use minoxidil so I can't help you out. I don't think it looks that bad though. I don't think it looks bad at all. I wouldn't start putting that crap on my head just yet. It may work but you will have shedding and your hair will probably look ALOT worse than it does know once the shedding starts. I would hold off until you have to use it. Once you start you can't stop.


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md2002 said:
I don't use minoxidil so I can't help you out. I don't think it looks that bad though. I don't think it looks bad at all. I wouldn't start putting that crap on my head just yet. It may work but you will have shedding and your hair will probably look ALOT worse than it does know once the shedding starts. I would hold off until you have to use it. Once you start you can't stop.

I have used all the big hairloss medications, finasteride, minoxidil, azelaic acid, retoinic acid, ketoconazole, spironolactone etc for over 3 years now and have never had a shed, most people do not shed from using these medications and of those who do it is rarely cosmetically noticeable.

"once you start you can't stop"

Sure you can stop ! Simply take your hands off the bottle of minoxidil and walk away.

When you stop using minoxidil the hair your gained and a little bit more will be shed (see yellow line in graph below), but after a few months you will eventually settle at where you would have been had you never used minoxidil.

But if you have gained some hair, why would you stop ?

Maybe the hair you have gained is trivial, hardly noticeable and not worth the bother of a twice daily splash of Dr Lees finest, well then the hair you will shed on cessation will also be hardly noticeable, so no worry.

If on the other hand you have grown a worthwhile amount of hair, why would you want to stop the medication.



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The graph was put together over several revisions and adjustments with the help and input from several respected posters here on HairLossTalk.com, including the mighty Bryan.

It is a topological guide to the relationships between various influences on hair loss, specifically medicating and non-medicating, do not read any 'value' into the position of the graphs, only their relationship to one another.


Senior Member
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So the graph lines of minoxidil+finasteride and finasteride are parallel?

haircount remains virtually stable in both cases-very impressive.
I would expect the minoxidil+finasteride graph line to decline and eventually reach the finasteride alone line or at least approach it.

Very encouraging for the big3 users.


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SE-freak said:
So the graph lines of minoxidil+finasteride and finasteride are parallel?

Probably not, but it was considered best to represent minoxidil as a simple offset of growth, there is no real reason to consider that minoxidils effects diminish over the short to medium term (5 years or so), you can even loose all your hair to DHT while minoxidil continues it's influence.

SE-freak said:
haircount remains virtually stable in both cases-very impressive.

Like I said don't read too much into it, they may not remain stable, the thing to draw from the graph is that minoxidil+propecia is more effective than either alone, minoxidil produces more groeth in the short term but will lose out to propecia over time.

SE-freak said:
I would expect the minoxidil+finasteride graph line to decline and eventually reach the finasteride alone line or at least approach it.

Like I say above "there is no real reason to consider that minoxidils effects diminish over the short to medium term (5 years or so)