I feel the urge to deactivate social media and be forgotten by everyone...


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It's been a few months that this thought sometimes drills my mind hard. I want to be forgotten by friends, etc. I feel like there is no point people are asking me what happen to you, are you alright and such questions, since I can't speak the truth almost every time. I spoke the truth to maybe 1-2 friends, and they have understood the situation, and they are being supportive. Not everyone will react like that, though, and I have the urge many times to shake off the shackles and tell the truth, despite if it is ridiculous for the others. Tell them how much this thing has affected me. Sometimes, I feel like a miasma for them and society. I feel that there isn't any meaning for them to interact with a person whose mental health declined, etc. Set aside the mental health part, he is not the same one as before. I feel like they are wasting their time, despite their willingness for help. I want to keep only my closest relatives in touch. However, I live in a small society. So, the news will spread rather soon, and questions like what happened to him, and such, will probably occur fast. On the other hand, there is the bright side. The side is that if treatments are working, I will feel a lot better, etc. But even that, I think I won't be the same one again. The fear again will shallow me, the fear of turning back to failure. It's pretty hard not making these thoughts. I am trying not to think about the failure part because it's destroying me even more. It's so hard, especially when treatments fail you.


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Was feeling the same, I can tell you that the worst thing you can do is actually isolate from everyone. What made my mental health better, was buzzing and admitting YES I AM BALDING. The only thing may be that you will have troubles dating because not every girl likes bald men, but your friends will not care that much about your balding. Age and Norwood level btw?

I wont lose this

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Was feeling the same, I can tell you that the worst thing you can do is actually isolate from everyone. What made my mental health better, was buzzing and admitting YES I AM BALDING. The only thing may be that you will have troubles dating because not every girl likes bald men, but your friends will not care that much about your balding. Age and Norwood level btw?
Mind showing your buzzcut on dm?


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Was feeling the same, I can tell you that the worst thing you can do is actually isolate from everyone. What made my mental health better, was buzzing and admitting YES I AM BALDING. The only thing may be that you will have troubles dating because not every girl likes bald men, but your friends will not care that much about your balding. Age and Norwood level btw?
Well, I am glad for you, mate, that you embraced it and moved on, but not for me. Not for me while the treatments worked wonders, and how lucky I was to respond like that. I was finally able to see the light. Whole different person. Better psychology, I was feeling so good with myself, etc. I won't give up on this miracle now! I will keep fighting. I don't know where the desperation will lead me. I might not have had so many moments with my friends these last years, but I was somehow in peace. I was feeling confident with myself. Hair made so much difference. Who cares for others and dating? What I do, I am doing it for my mental health and to get my life back! Screw it, I better not have a date or whatever! These things don't matter to me. It's not my priority. Hair loss hit me so hard mentally that these things look like a joke for me. I only want to be happy with MYSELF, feel good with MYSELF, have PROPER mental health, and live the moments with my friends and family. I am 21, and I started balding at 16 aggressively.


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Well, I am glad for you, mate, that you embraced it and moved on, but not for me. Not for me while the treatments worked wonders, and how lucky I was to respond like that. I was finally able to see the light. Whole different person. Better psychology, I was feeling so good with myself, etc. I won't give up on this miracle now! I will keep fighting. I don't know where the desperation will lead me. I might not have had so many moments with my friends these last years, but I was somehow in peace. I was feeling confident with myself. Hair made so much difference. Who cares for others and dating? What I do, I am doing it for my mental health and to get my life back! Screw it, I better not have a date or whatever! These things don't matter to me. It's not my priority. Hair loss hit me so hard mentally that these things look like a joke for me. I only want to be happy with MYSELF, feel good with MYSELF, have PROPER mental health, and live the moments with my friends and family. I am 21, and I started balding at 16 aggressively.
Alright. I am 20 (gonna be 21 in March), started balding very aggresively at 16. At 19 I entered into just shave it territory, at 20 buzzed my hair, soon gonna shave it off completely. I had beautiful blonde golden hair (literally like Prince Charming from Shrek). I was shocked and depressed over my hair, considering that all my brothers have more hair than me, (they are older), all my friends are NW1 (literally, their fathers are NW0 at 70 even jfl), so I knew I will be the only bald one. Not only that, I expected to have crown thinning at 23, but life decided to f*** me over even more and at 23 I will be NW7 AT BEST. Truth be told, it sucked sh*t when you can't accept that your hair going to be lost forever (I did not want to risk hair transplants or finasteride), but when I accepted that I can just shave it, life just gets easier, especially if you don't care about dating. My skull shape did not turn out to be that bad and some people tell me I should go bald earlier because it looks good on me. So I was very stressed and afraid of something turned out to be better than I expected. My friends don't sh*t on me for balding, people don't sh*t on me for balding (when they ask why I buzz no guard I just tell them the truth that I gave lost most of my hair). Of course, at first it's going to be a major shock for you and everyone, but in few months you will feel better. I feel better than when I was NW2, because I know I will be okay. Your friends are not going to stop hanging out with you just because you are bald, neither will people automatically disown you. Unless you go hat/combover/toppik prisoner (which is gonna rape your mind to death), the social impact is not going to hit you. :)


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Alright. I am 20 (gonna be 21 in March), started balding very aggresively at 16. At 19 I entered into just shave it territory, at 20 buzzed my hair, soon gonna shave it off completely. I had beautiful blonde golden hair (literally like Prince Charming from Shrek). I was shocked and depressed over my hair, considering that all my brothers have more hair than me, (they are older), all my friends are NW1 (literally, their fathers are NW0 at 70 even jfl), so I knew I will be the only bald one. Not only that, I expected to have crown thinning at 23, but life decided to f*** me over even more and at 23 I will be NW7 AT BEST. Truth be told, it sucked sh*t when you can't accept that your hair going to be lost forever (I did not want to risk hair transplants or finasteride), but when I accepted that I can just shave it, life just gets easier, especially if you don't care about dating. My skull shape did not turn out to be that bad and some people tell me I should go bald earlier because it looks good on me. So I was very stressed and afraid of something turned out to be better than I expected. My friends don't sh*t on me for balding, people don't sh*t on me for balding (when they ask why I buzz no guard I just tell them the truth that I gave lost most of my hair). Of course, at first it's going to be a major shock for you and everyone, but in few months you will feel better. I feel better than when I was NW2, because I know I will be okay. Your friends are not going to stop hanging out with you just because you are bald, neither will people automatically disown you. Unless you go hat/combover/toppik prisoner (which is gonna rape your mind to death), the social impact is not going to hit you. :)
I wish i had good head shape but im a cone head so i cant go bald.


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, life just gets easier, especially if you don't care about dating.
Thats what Im trying to achieve right now.
Accept life fucked me and just adapt to this new me who cant attract a decent woman even if I put a gun to her head.
I feel better than when I was NW2, because I know I will be okay
And that's the difference between us, brother. I was okay even with NW3.


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Social media cripples our minds, it would be good riddance either way. Maybe one of the few positive things hairloss can do to you.


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I haven't used social media ever. Even before hair loss. But I used to go out, occasionally. I'm mostly introverted so never liked that anyway. I could go out and party but would need 2-3 days completely alone to recharge.

Since hair loss though, I am for the most part out of touch with everyone. And since then, most have moved on, formed a family, left the country. There's no one to 'hang out' with anyway. Meeting new people is not something I have any desire to do, so I mostly spend time on solo hobbies.

I thought that fixing my hormones would make me want to socialize and become more extroverted, but in reality it just made me more comfortable with being a loner and requiring even less of other people's approval, LOL.

But yeah it's completely normal what you feel. Instagram and high profile social media as someone young with hair loss is just suicide fuel. It doesn't do you any favors mentally, so best to just pull the plug on it and hope for better days. This stuff is overrated anyway, fake people with fake lives, our society is fucked up and it's only a matter of time before it all goes off a cliff.


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It's so crazy that this thing deteriorated me so much! I can't believe it.
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Everyone is free to do whatever he wants in his life. If you no longer need a social media account, feel free to delete it.


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Hey, I'm really sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time. It takes a lot to open up, and it's great that you've found some supportive friends. Mental health journeys are incredibly personal, and it's okay to share only what you're comfortable with. Remember, you're not a burden – people who care about you genuinely want to help.

Consider focusing on your well-being and let others be there for you in their own way. It's okay if not everyone understands immediately. Small communities can be challenging, but your healing is the priority.

BTW, have you explored positive online communities? Sometimes connecting with new people anonymously can provide a fresh perspective. Also, I came across https://socialzinger.com/buy-twitter-followers/ for boosting Twitter followers, which could be a neat way to share your thoughts with a wider audience if and when you're ready.
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actually I think you can do whatever you want and if you think that deleting social media will help, why not trying it. but also from what I read I think that you also may try changing society in which you live. like move to another city, go to college, you can use nassau community college customer service if you need any help with it or try to find a new job, where you can meet new amazing people
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