$#!+ I don't have Gyno!!!


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7 months on Propecia and I don't have Gyno -- just like the other 99.99% of people on Propecia.

But these are early days yet, I guess, and I will continue to wait.

Did anyone have nipple sheds before their gyno started?

Just need to know what to look out for.


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Freestyle said:
7 months on Propecia and I don't have Gyno -- just like the other 99.99% of people on Propecia.

But these are early days yet, I guess, and I will continue to wait.

Did anyone have nipple sheds before their gyno started?

Just need to know what to look out for.

wow real mature.. let's make a parody of peoples thread in a serious situation.

I don't really care if your mocking me or not.. but lemme break something down for you...

most men are fat.. they're not going to notice when their nipples get puffy and or they have a little extra tissue on their pecs.. however.. there are some fit people in america (believe it or not) I take pride in my healthly lifestyle and physical activity that keeps me in better shape than 99% of 18 year olds.

with that being said, i think you could see how someoen fit could experience the effect of gyno faster than someone out of shape..

this isnt rocket science.. well maybe it is.. but it's simple.. if testosterone cant turn into DHT then you're going to have free floating test in your body.. extra test isnt good b/c it causes your body to create estrogen to try to level the hormones out.. so even if it's just a little bit of estrogen there is a possiblilty for it to have harmful effects on men.

now.. I'm assuming that the propecia trials didnt use 100% physically fit men.. therefore it would be harder to visually see gyno on an overweight man.. see where this is going????????

furthermore i think you shouldnt be a d!ck, it's hard enough we have to deal with hair loss so why dont you take your parodys to another section of the forum... save it to your "favorites" that way you can come look at it every day and laugh at your own miserable jokes..


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I never got Gyno either.



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Cosmic said:
HairlossTalk said:
I never got Gyno either.


But you did get some other serious sides?

There are people with serious issues on here that could do with some help - and you guys are the ones that can - instead of suspecting that its some 'invasion' from another site!!

Are you going to start to ban people that get gyno from finasteride if they have less than 100 posts!?!?!

Is paranoia one of the symptoms of Finateride?

I suffered from slight gyno after about a year. I'm an extremely physically fit person, and noticed a flabby chest... what one might call puffy nipples. Let me tell you, puffy nipples only look great on women. :)

At the time of the discovery, I had no idea that gyno was even a possible side effect. Being in my twenties, I quickly ruled out the aging process as the problem. Therefore, I assumed that Finasteride was part of my problem and intuitively reduced my dosage (from 1mg to .25mg) -- incidentally, long before knowing about studies of how doses as low as .2mg were effective in reducing DHT levels. I believe that some people simply have a lower tolerance than others for Finasteride. Consider yourself lucky if you aren't one of those people.

Fast forward almost two years, and thousands of bench presses, squats, military presses etc. later, I just about have my pre-Finasteride chest back. I have my hair; I'm happy.

Ok, I have told my story. You can ban me now. :)


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Can I ask a question?

What would a gynocologist have to do with any of you? This belongs in the womens general forum, if anything.

No, just kidding. But could somebody fill me in on what EXACTLY "gyno" is? from what I've percieved in this thread, its the condition where your manboobs get a little bit... boobier? Could soembody elaborate?

I think if a skinny guy like me got manboobs I could pass them off as pecs and get more lady(s) than I already do. (which is "one lady(s)", for the record)


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TheOliviaTremorControl said:
from what I've percieved in this thread, its the condition where your manboobs get a little bit... boobier?

Thats pretty much it. The development of breast tissue in a male due to hormonal inbalance. Theres no evidence whatsoever from Merck or the FDA that finasteride causes gyno. It may cause "breast tenderness or swelling" but this is a million miles away from gyno.


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I just want to go on the record saying that Propecia gave me gyno. It sucks.


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blueshard said:
I just want to go on the record saying that Propecia gave me gyno. It sucks.

Im pretty sure it didnt. Maybe it gave you temporary breast tenderness and breast enlargement. Gyno was not reported during the FDA trials at all and Merck dont list it as a side effect. True Gyno will need to be diagnosed by an Endocrinologist. Have you been to see one?