I Could Really Use Some Answers, Thanks In Advance - 17yrs Old

Anders Persson

My Regimen
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Hello people. First of all I'd like to apologize for the bad English as it's not my first language, im going to start off with a bunch of info then questions. Would be greatly appreciated if you could answer them!
So, i'm a 17 year old guy (16 when this all started) and I've noticed thinning hair at the front of my head (above my hairline) and slightly receding hairline. This all started in November last year when I was going through alot of stress. Not only the stress, I also just recently (October last year) started styling my hair for the first time in my life, and also started cleaning it much more often. my hair had always been long so I've always flipped it to the side instead but now I had cut it short so I bought myself some hairstyling wax.
December was the worst month to me, I stopped training, barely ate and sat inside all day because of stress too. So that's when my hair initially started thinning a little, at January and February I could get handfuls of hair in my hands when showering too and I thought alright it's probably because of stress, so march/February this year I was completely relieved of the stress and I started to be more healthy than before and took some vitamins aswell. After this the hair shedding almost completely stopped however no hair has grown back since, I've actually noticed it getting worse. And my hair grows about 50% slower (yes I know this) In high light conditions I can see my scalp near the hairline more clearly and it doesn't feel like much to grab on to anymore (used to play with my hair alot and it was much nicer then)
So yeah I thought it all came back to the stress and health. But that does not explain the receding hairline which I've heard is completely genetic also there are some shorter hairs near the hairline which I've heard is an indicator(?). I'm so scared and im afraid to cut my hair again because of what I might see.

For your information on my moms side the guys started balding at their 50's and on my dads side on their 40's-50's except for my dad at 28-30.

Now that you know my story
How bad does it look? (pictures will follow) (I've always had a big forehead btw)
Opinions? Thoughts? (very appreciated)
Is there something I can do to thicken it naturally? Or at least get some thickness back faster(nothing like finasteride or minoxidile that you gotta take until you've given up on the hair)
How fast do people bald?
Does the slowing hair growth indicate something?

Don't know if it matters, but I did a penicillin treatment against acne during september and october

The pictures make it look a little bit worse than it actually is


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Sorry to say but there isn't really any natural remedies. You can try one of those laser helmets, but most people on here think it's a waste of time and money.