Hydrocynus's Story - (38)


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I am new to the forum, so I suppose that I need to introduce myself.

I tried to see where I stand on the Norwood scale, but I cannot find a bald pattern that matches mainly because I am not bald.

I am 38 and I do not have any bald spots yet. My temples seem to slightly recede and my hair on the top of my head is thinner but this is not that obvious.

Since my 20ies though, I loose a lot of hair follicles daily (50-100). Nothing really alarming and my dermatologist told me that my hair has a short life cycle. I also have the regular side hormonal effects that leads to balding such as an extreme sensitivity to air pollution, very itchy greasy scalp, which if uncontrolled, leads to a lot of hair shedding. So far, I have kept this under control using every three days an anti dandruff shampoo (Neutrogenar Coaltar).

My hair is greasy and I thus wash it every day with a neutral shampoo. Greasy hair indeed shows my scalp, which I found to be unaesthetic.

However, as the cycles go, my hair became thinner, and also, I am pretty sure that my density of hair follicles decreased as well. So, I decided to move forward and to use Generic finasteride (5 mg finast that I cut in 5 pieces).

I am on Finast 1mg for about a year and a half now and I have to say that my hair got thicker, but I do not see much improvement in the density of hair follicles. I still loose the same (50-100) hairs every day. After careful examination, I also notice that I do not see much new small hairs and I am thus scared that most of my hair follicles are at the end of their lifetime. I recently use Nizoral 1% in very small quantity after shampooing with a neutral shampoo.

I am on that forum to become more educated about hairloss. I especially am here to find a way to increase my hair follicle density since it does not seem that Finast is doing anything on regrowing new hairs from dormant hair follicles. Maybe half my hair follicles are already dead and therefore, I should be content about what I have since hair restoration is a no no for me.

I am already happy to have kept my hair so far since my bro went bold at 24 and so did my dad.

Cheers to all and Happy New Hair.

PS. I also am thinking getting Topical spironolactone, is that mixture greasy? My hair is indeed greasy enough.