How will my hair loss play out from here?


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My hair loss started when I was about 20 - first some thinning in the back and then at the temples. I got on propecia pretty quickly, and have been taking it since then (I'm almost 24 now, so I guess I've taken it for about 3 years). In general, my hair loss seems like it's gone through cycles - looking at pics from right after I started on propecia, and a year after or so, it seems like it improved, but now it seems to be deteriorating again. I will say that the scalp and middle? of my head have held up very well, and are definitely no worse off than when I started propecia (I don't know if this is because of the drug or just because of the natural progression of my hairloss - I hope it's the former). However, my hairline has gradually been receding, and it feels like its happening faster than ever now. I would say it's somewhere between a norwood 2 and 3, closer to 3.

Anyway, I just have a few questions. One is, if the reason the back and middle have held up so well is because of propecia, what kind of "end state" is common. Like, will I just have a hairline that's really really high up? I know there's no answer for this and it's different for everyone, but I'm curious about that.

Another question is about preventative measures. As I've watched my hairline fade back and become noticeable, I've been wondering if I should do more. I don't really want to go through the effort of putting on rogaine every day, but could it make a different? And what about nizoral? Is that something I definitely should look into (also, what's the difference between over the counter and prescription for nizoral?).

Thanks for all your thoughts. :)


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It might not be the answer you want to hear but if your on propecia your really doing all you can short of experimenting on yourself with chemicals such as RU and many others. Oh you could add rogain and nizoral but their contribution is pretty minor in the long term especially nizoral.
The thing with hairlines is it all depends on your own situation and what you used to have verses what you have right now how big a difference there is.