How to maintain temples?


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I seem to be maintaining all of my hair except for the temple temples esp my left temple is thinning out noticebly bad. How can I at least maintain it?


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i think the best and cheapest way would be to take sum form of finastride plus rogain foam on the hairline rub it in good 2 times a day plus 3 times a week use nizoral shampoo and use it all over ur male pattern baldness area and let it sit for 10 min make sure it contacts the scalp. that right there should be able to hold your hairline plus maybe add some good density depending on how long ago you lost some hair in your hairline. the problem with the hairline is most people catch it to late because they dont start on propecia till their crown is going and by that time your hairline has been lost for a good 5 years so hard to reverse it. also the problem with temple hair is i think its hair that is normally alot weaker then the rest of the scalp i even see pictures of beautiful woman with a full head of hair with weak temple hairs.