How To Find A Doctor (austin, Tx) And My Hair Miniaturization


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How does one find a good doctor willing to work with you on slowing down and diagnosing hair loss? I would think most PCPs don't want to deal with hair loss on this level... just prescribe finnerastride or recommend minoxidil. I'm concerned hair loss clinics might just be in the business of selling expensive cosmetic procedures. I need someone who's really willing to work with me because I have several medical issues which could be causing my hair issues.

I'm in Austin, TX if anyone knows someone there.

I'm 41 and my hair loss has been gradual, and mostly unconcerning, up until about a year ago. My hair loss seems to have picked up the pace in the past year. My skin, in general, has also gone to crap. Lots of stretch marks this past year and odd textures have developed and I've become pretty wrinkle prone. A little over a month ago, I was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid, a milk allergy, and a severe vitamin D deficiency. I also started Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the first time. I'm afraid elevated T levels may mean a lot more free testosterone for conversion to DHT. I started treatment for the thyroid and Vitamin D deficiency and stopped all dairy.

My hair loss has increased this past month, but not by a huge amount. However, I've noticed that my hairs are MUCH thinner, diameter\girth wise, than a month ago. They've been thinning noticeably over the past year, but this last month has seen another noticeable level of thinness. I've also noticed an increased number of baby hairs falling out - .5 to 2 inchers. I can see more scalp at the hair line and hair part. I'm afraid this means DHT is working it's magic. The thyroid and the vitamin deficiency could also be in play in some way. And I'm afraid there may be something wrong with my skin in general. I feel like my skin has aged a decade in the last 10 months.

I need some help, but I'm not sure how to find a doctor who can figure out what's going on since I have so many balls in the air. I can look someone up on the internet, but so many fake reviews... I need someone really good.
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