how often per week to use nizoral?


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I just started propecia and am considering using Nizoral.
2 questions:

-Is there a big difference between the 2% and 1%? (i realize one is rx and one is over the counter)

-How often per week should i use the nizoral, and what other shampoo is good to use when not using the nizoral?

Thanx friends for all you help and advice,

Good luck to all!


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the search feature is your friend, my friend.

but i can tell you that the common thinking is to use nizoral every 2-3 days.

people rotate a wide variety of shampoos in between nizoral, depending on their specific needs. do you have bad dandruff? desire thickening properties? or conditioning properties? or maybe you want to use one of those shampoos that hairloss companies put out, like american crew or revivogen or dr. lee's...

(it's like that simpsons episode when mr. burns has to do his own grocery shopping for the first time, and he's all 'ketchup. catsup. ketchup. catsup... i'm in over my head here.')


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I use the 2% because in the tests using propecia the participants also used 2% as part of the regimin. Were lucky here in Canada that 2% is also over the counter. One less thing my doctor won't refuse to prescribe me!


Experienced Member
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I use 2% three times a week.


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kisstopherp said:
I use the 2% because in the tests using propecia the participants also used 2% as part of the regimin.

Nope, they used T/GEL. Nizoral wasn't even on the market during the Propecia FDA trials.

Even if it had been, they would not have used Nizoral because it would have messed with the results by making Propecia look better than it really is (this is a good thing for us).

Not a good sign for those using T/GEL though. I don't even use T/GEL anymore except to wash off the residue off my comb from styling gel. It's amazing at getting rid of that junk. :)


Established Member
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I use Nizoral 2% everyday. No neg. effects at present.