How noticeable are sheds?


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I am contemplating taking Propecia, having been given a prescription from my derm ("if you should choose to use it" were his words). I have gotten over the fear of side effects, but have one last hangup before I jump on it.

How noticeable are the sheds on Propecia? I am a receder, with some movement inward from the temples (particularly on the left side) toward the top that is prompting me to use finasteride. I have thick hair on the top and at the vertex.

Main question: If I shed, could I turn into a diffuse thinner?

Back In Time

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I have been on generic (Fincar) for about 4 1/2 months, and I have yet to notice a shed at all. I am definitely not losing hair anymore, and have already regrown some of what I had lost. My temples are quite a bit better, my crown has filled in a lot, and the diffuse areas are a little bit thicker. The diffuse areas are now my only real concern, as the other areas are much better. Take a look at my avatar to see what I am talking about (the avatar is about what I started at).

I guess what I am saying is: If there has been a shed in my case, I have not noticed it at all.

I wish I could give you a clearer answer, but I think it is a bit different for everyone.

Edit: Missed your last question. I don't think you would become a diffuse thinner due to a shed, from what I have read a shed is a good thing. I'm no expert though. I was/am already a diffuse thinner, so all I can tell you about that is I have not noticed any shedding. Even if there has been shedding, it hasn't been enough to make any difference in how my hair looks.


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My shed was significant but it did stop. Towards the end (just before I quit) my hairloss had completely stopped on the top of my head. However I had started to lose hair at my temples where there was never any loss at all (not the peaks of the hairline but lower at the sides of my head). All in all, I went from about 100 hairs in the shower (before finasteride), to 1-5 (on finasteride) to 200 (after quitting).