How Much Shedding Is Actually Normal?


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So ever since my derm appointment i've been 100% good regarding hairloss. Haven't worried at all, and just checked up on it every week or 2. Only thing that's keeping me on here however, is the week OF the appointment I noticed shedding which I have never noticed before. I wouldn't say it's an extreme amount, but it's there. I am aware about the common "50-100 a day" but obviously that's impossible to count so I raise the question:

How many is it normal to lose doing every day things? (my current average)
a. in the shower (anywhere from 2-10)
b. while styling hair (anywhere from 3-10)
c. just while running hands through (1-3 times a day I get one that I notice)

I could almost assume that I'm just in the telogen phase and it's a seasonal shed, but I thought I'd put it out there just in case anyone had some opinions.

Charlie Foxtrot

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I’d give my left nut to shed this amount of hair again.

100/150 in the shower.
If I run my fingers through my hair for like 30 seconds, another 50.

Also shedding doesn’t mean everything. It can be an indication, but it varies from person to person and some people go bald without hardly shedding. What you’re shedding is 100% normal, don’t worry about it.