How long to recover from shedding?


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So like most people, the density is thinner after shedding, I recently went on nizoral 2 months ago after 6 months of finasteride and years of minoxidil. I'm quite sure it's made hair thinner in the last month, I'm using nizoral every 2-3 days which should be fine, and it's not like I'm visibly seeing lots of hair around the shower or my pillow, and when I pull or comb at it, there's nothing at all coming out (but I do keep it quite short, I dunno).

Anyway, in the same way that new hair is growing on my temples and fringe, but is taking quite a few months to get stronger, I'm assuming the hairs recovering from shedding is the same. As in, it may be hard to tell right now if the new hairs are growing around the middle and crown area, but am I looking at 3-4 months? 6 months? More?



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So like most people, the density is thinner after shedding, I recently went on nizoral 2 months ago after 6 months of finasteride and years of minoxidil. I'm quite sure it's made hair thinner in the last month, I'm using nizoral every 2-3 days which should be fine, and it's not like I'm visibly seeing lots of hair around the shower or my pillow, and when I pull or comb at it, there's nothing at all coming out (but I do keep it quite short, I dunno).

Anyway, in the same way that new hair is growing on my temples and fringe, but is taking quite a few months to get stronger, I'm assuming the hairs recovering from shedding is the same. As in, it may be hard to tell right now if the new hairs are growing around the middle and crown area, but am I looking at 3-4 months? 6 months? More?


Hair grows painfully slow Brother. On top of that, initial growth is usually a lot thinner and not as pigmented as your terminal hair that has been growing for years. I shed A LOT in the past year or so, probably like 6,000 hairs a MONTH. It scared the hell out of me, because I could not see a new single hair growing. I would even take pics of different areas of my head and zoom in. I must have had regrowth, because without it, I would have been NW7 within a couple months! I am still confused as all hell with my own shedding/regrowth, because I swear to you, I don't even know where the hell the hairs are coming from! lol


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Painful indeed, but for the moment I'm pretty comfortable with this, but am concerned more will shed before regrowth starts. I'm thin but still at a stage where most wouldn't consider me bald or even balding, but if it continues to thin I won't be so comfortable, even if the temples continue to make progress.

That is weird though, I saw GoldenMane make a topic about the same thing, losing lots of hairs but can't figure out how they aren't a slick NW7 by now.


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Also Panicking

I am kinda on the same boat... Started minoxidil 7 months ago with an epic response at first but this last month I have been shedding like crazy and I am now worse than before starting minoxidil


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I kinda heard the same story also on the German forum where a long time member got worse over the last two years only to have seemingly recovered.

Tons of photo evidence, lots of shedding, super random, but good status now again.

Me also: bad itch, lost 30 hairs in 2 minutes yesterday (random on my desk wtf), but status is not much worse than last year.


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whenever i have itch in my NW6 male pattern baldness area, i feel like DHT doing its job, even i am on propecia so i do not know:(

In my case, ive been on propecia and minoxidil for 8-6 months respectively, at the beginning of april i had amazin regrowth full head of hair, at the beginning of June i was ready to commit suicide instead ended up shaving my head. I do not understand why its happening but there is nothing but sticking to regime , so i do so with hope


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Hey @wannamyhairback and @Grasshüpfer im going through something similar as well. Itching and shedding where I itch , obviously terrified i have hyperandrogenecity. I feel like it's getting better, but I know that every day my opinion on that changes. My shed started at about 3 months in with finasteride, and has been going on for about 2 months now. I heard that shedding usually takes place between months 3-6, but the itch is scaring the crap out of me. How's your guys' situation currently?


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Hey @wannamyhairback and @Grasshüpfer im going through something similar as well. Itching and shedding where I itch , obviously terrified i have hyperandrogenecity. I feel like it's getting better, but I know that every day my opinion on that changes. My shed started at about 3 months in with finasteride, and has been going on for about 2 months now. I heard that shedding usually takes place between months 3-6, but the itch is scaring the crap out of me. How's your guys' situation currently?
Hey Man. My current situation that i am riding out the shed phase. My shedding has lasted nearly 3 months and looks like it drastically reduced as i started seeing few hairs sprouted along my hairline and midscalp . But not sure if i am gonna catch my preshed density . I will tell you by late August.
With Regards to your situation i guess its your first shedding and it happens almost everyone! i know its tough to bear shedding but you will leave behind it most likely. Concerning itching, i have had the same when my shedding got worsened amazing itching and inflammation which made me shave my head. During this period i have shed thousands of hair that is attached to yellowish rounded thing that is considered to be buildup of excessive sebum. I use lemon juice very frequently to deal with it and cold water. Still on propecia and rogaine and regenepure of course! Due to the diet i am on i consume a lot of fruits vegetables chickens and fish 2 .5 liter water per day, avoid using sugar white flour bread and stuff like that !! but i realized that whenever i inrease the amount of fruits , itching is following but not so severe . So i dont know how to deal with itching. i know it is important because when i had freaking regrowth during march i didnt have any itching or inflammation !


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Hey guys. Since almost nobody write about their shed experience once their shed ends I will write my experience. First month ok, after first month huge shed, that lasted to the end of month 4. After month two I saw my crown and it was in the worst condition ever, but temples were still ok. At the end of month 4 crown looked slightly better, but temples destroyed. After month 6 I saw, that hair looked somehow better and temples had slightly coloured peach fuzz... So I would think, that about 3 month after shed you could see first signs of regrowth.


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Hey guys. Since almost nobody write about their shed experience once their shed ends I will write my experience. First month ok, after first month huge shed, that lasted to the end of month 4. After month two I saw my crown and it was in the worst condition ever, but temples were still ok. At the end of month 4 crown looked slightly better, but temples destroyed. After month 6 I saw, that hair looked somehow better and temples had slightly coloured peach fuzz... So I would think, that about 3 month after shed you could see first signs of regrowth.
But did you have itching associated with the shed? I had itchint prior to finasteride but it went away for a bit when I started taking it. I ran my hands through my head at 3 months and noticed hair, and soon after the itching began. I also noticed my sides went away, and my libido is relatively high, which is scaring me. The itch is becoming a little less frequent, but still really hoping this isn't anything that abnormal.


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But did you have itching associated with the shed? I had itchint prior to finasteride but it went away for a bit when I started taking it. I ran my hands through my head at 3 months and noticed hair, and soon after the itching began. I also noticed my sides went away, and my libido is relatively high, which is scaring me. The itch is becoming a little less frequent, but still really hoping this isn't anything that abnormal.
Yes! I had itch. Even when you use finasteride you should use nizoral for inflammation. Nizoral is harsh so I also used at least once a week some oil on scalp (olive, castor). Keto schampoo should help your scalp with the itch. Between second and forth month I had ichy scalp and really bad shed. From 100-150 hair in hands while shampooing. I saw hair everywhere. I thought about stopping finasteride. Luckily I did not. It takes really, really long time to see some benefits. I think only a few of lucky ones see some improvement before 6 months. How long do you take finasteride?


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Yes! I had itch. Even when you use finasteride you should use nizoral for inflammation. Nizoral is harsh so I also used at least once a week some oil on scalp (olive, castor). Keto schampoo should help your scalp with the itch. Between second and forth month I had ichy scalp and really bad shed. From 100-150 hair in hands while shampooing. I saw hair everywhere. I thought about stopping finasteride. Luckily I did not. It takes really, really long time to see some benefits. I think only a few of lucky ones see some improvement before 6 months. How long do you take finasteride?
I've been on it for about 5 months now. The one thing I noticed is that before finasteride I never noticed itching until I suspected hair loss and would rub my hair constantly to check shedding (which was a lot), so I feel like the itching can be worsened by one's current mental state regarding hair loss. The thing that scares me now is that when the itch comes on my scalp I can usually reach int that area and pull out a hair (sometimes a couple). The shedding is slowing, but now a lot of hairs I'm shedding are thin (and getting some that look like eyebrow hair almost). Not sure if that's further miniaturization or finasteride still kicking out the impacted hairs.

I've been on nizoral for about 2 months now, using it every 2 or 3 days. These days happen to be the days I itch and shed the least, and maybe it's kicking in more now that the itch is getting slightly better.


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I would recommend you to invest in some good natural anti-dandruff shampoo... And try the oils too. My itch got a lot better. I had really dry scalp from nizoral and it helped.
Even though you don´t see results know you can tell yourself you are doing all you can to fight it ;) P.S. Look at this guy. At 5 months it looked bad and in month 7? great :


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I would recommend you to invest in some good natural anti-dandruff shampoo... And try the oils too. My itch got a lot better. I had really dry scalp from nizoral and it helped.
Even though you don´t see results know you can tell yourself you are doing all you can to fight it ;) P.S. Look at this guy. At 5 months it looked bad and in month 7? great :

Hey man thanks for your reassurance. Just two last questions about your shed. Did you notice the hairs you were ahedding getting thinner? Cause I've lost some kid scalp density and I was shedding more terminal hairs initially (although much more shedding than now). And did your shed slowly subside or was it sudden? I still look as if I have a full head of hair, but I'm afraid it'll look diffuse if the shedding doesn't subside.


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Hey man thanks for your reassurance. Just two last questions about your shed. Did you notice the hairs you were ahedding getting thinner? Cause I've lost some kid scalp density and I was shedding more terminal hairs initially (although much more shedding than now). And did your shed slowly subside or was it sudden? I still look as if I have a full head of hair, but I'm afraid it'll look diffuse if the shedding doesn't subside.
I think shed was subside, but only in few days. Like in one week. Everyday I shed like 20 hair more. I was shedding all kind of hair and my situation on top got really bad fast. Top was ok till shed and suddenly I saw my scalp. To describe it best: before shed I could barely see my scalp with wet hair. Two months in finasteride and I saw my scalp under light even with dry hair. I think I lost about 30% of hair density in the first month of shed. I was almost sure it can´t be shed, because I lost to much hair and I that I must have hyperandrogenecity. It was just bad shed. It takes painfully long time to see benefits.


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How you guys doing now? I've noticed my itch has definitely gone down, but it's still there. My hair looks slightly better than it did right after the heavy shed I had 3 months in, but I'd say it's still below baseline. Still shedding a bit too, but now the hairs I'm shedding are thin and some are kinked and very unhealthy looking (worried about that and the itch most).


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How you guys doing now? I've noticed my itch has definitely gone down, but it's still there. My hair looks slightly better than it did right after the heavy shed I had 3 months in, but I'd say it's still below baseline. Still shedding a bit too, but now the hairs I'm shedding are thin and some are kinked and very unhealthy looking (worried about that and the itch most).
Hey i am glad your itch has reduced. we are in the same situation meaning below the baseline( i consider baseline as preshed situation). Despite the fact that i have been on propecia and got what i wanted sadly, it didnt last long. i checked my hormones my estradiol is higher than range, thinking that is the reason i am shedding Telogen Effluvium hairs, btw i still shed those hairs with yellow bulb. its obvious i have lost ground! to my surprise, i started developing mild gyno as well.But trying to understand why its happening , trying to lower my estrogen naturally, also tried arimidex made shed hugely! so stopped using it. thinking of taking 1 week break of propecia. i cant prove my idea but i guess lowering DHT too much comes with own problems . i feel like from this point the lesses my DHT gets more i produce estrogen. I believe the key is to be able to catch good hormonal balance that i believe should be relativelt higher T, LOW DHT and low Estrogen . i dont know this summer has not been good at all for my hair. Keep seeking for solution my hairloss