how long does propecia shedding last?


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Hi Jeff -

Kick your feet back and enjoy the roller coaster. Propecia shedding typically lasts up to 4 months. Some people may see it slow down at month 6. Most people only go through a few months the first shed. Evaluate your progress every 6 months. Every day and every week inbetween will be a roller coaster of good and bad days. Ride them out and keep your eyes on the overall progress. Take pictures too, to help you keep your perspective.


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all i know is i lost a shitload of hair from the proscar shed that i've had to resort to using couvre


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the term ¨shedding¨ on this site is bullshit. call it what it is: hair loss. you are balding, man. if you´re lucky propecia will help what you´ve lost to grow back as cosmetically acceptable hairs. if not, then the balding process will just continue. sorry to be negative, but using the term shedding just seems like a way to deny what´s really happening.

i´m prepared to burn for this.


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Hinde said:
the term ¨shedding¨ on this site is bullshit. call it what it is: hair loss. you are balding, man. if you´re lucky propecia will help what you´ve lost to grow back as cosmetically acceptable hairs. if not, then the balding process will just continue. sorry to be negative, but using the term shedding just seems like a way to deny what´s really happening.

i´m prepared to burn for this.

uhhhh...., are you uneducated in the world of hair loss.


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hopewas said:
all i know is i lost a shitload of hair from the proscar shed that i've had to resort to using couvre
Gee thats a surprise considering you're using...... SAW PALMETTO... something i myself and tons of others report causes nothing but....... SHEDDING.... nonstop. drop the saw !!!!!!!! You're also using Biotin even though Dr. Sawaya just wrote a whole article on how there's no point in using that unless you are a fish with a biotin deficiency, and MSM and how there's not much evidence it will do anything for a normal person experiencing androgentic alopecia, etc etc etc. Oh well. "You can lead a hopewas to water ... " :)


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Hinde said:
the term ¨shedding¨ on this site is bullshit.
Im okay if you're okay admitting that its not a term on this site, its a scientifically proven and well established part of the hair growth and resting process. If you're cool accepting that you don't care about all that, then im okay with that too. Don't limit it to this site.

Hair grows and hair goes dormant. That is the most clinically proven fact on the planet related to hair. Hairs lost after starting a treatment are going dormant. They're not dying. That's another clinically proven fact.

Might want to get caught up on what science today knows. A good place to start is this article:

"Recently, some studies using a digital phototrichogram (Trichoscan, Marburg, Germany) proved that there was indeed a quantifiable increase in shedding and a corresponding loss of hair density in the first 3 months of minoxidil use. However, by the 6 month stage the subjects were shown to have regrown the lost hair and had increased hair density compared to that recorded at the start of treatment. By 12 months after starting minoxidil use their hair density was much improved and the diameter of the hair fibers was thicker than at the start of treatment and as compared to controls who did not receive treatment."


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jeffpm said:
ive been on it for about a month and im still shedding.
Welcome to my hell, Im on month 7 and still losing it like a of luck to ya......seriously best of luck


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All of this talk of shedding for months on end is scaring the hell out of me!

I've been on for like...a week now, so I got a long road ahead of me.

But, maybe I won't get it nearly as bad as some of you. I defied the odds on Accutane (a medication for acne). With that, you're supposed to break out like mad at the month-2month mark and never happened. The medication worked in the end, though. So here's to hoping that I never have to deal with a massive shed!


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For those shedding due to Propecia, maybe you want to give T-gel a try? Initially, after using T-gel for 2 weeks, my shedding stopped. Then I decided to use it only once a week and the shedding came back. Now, I am using it everyday and everythings seems ok so far. No scientific explaination or anything, just my personal experience.


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Vampa said:
All of this talk of shedding for months on end is scaring the hell out of me!

I've been on for like...a week now, so I got a long road ahead of me.

But, maybe I won't get it nearly as bad as some of you. I defied the odds on Accutane (a medication for acne). With that, you're supposed to break out like mad at the month-2month mark and never happened. The medication worked in the end, though. So here's to hoping that I never have to deal with a massive shed!

I too defied the odds on accutane, I had no sides on that drug, but propecia is a completely different ballgame......


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It just seems so silly to me. You take a pill to try and halt your hair loss, but at first it speeds it up, possibly to a point where it becomes really noticeable, and then you have to wait for it to get better, which may never happen. All the while you're worrying over a pain in your testicles, or not getting an erection, or whatever else you think could be a side effect of the drug but is probably nothing at all.

I know you guys talk about looking at your hair every 3 - 6 months... But come on, you see a shitload of hair in the bath or shower after you've got out - it's hard to resist examining your head. You know that.

It's like waking up and realising that your life really has changed, and you don't even know where it started to change.


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well I began taking propecia 7 months ago, the first 3 months were all and well then my shed began, my hair has yet to recover, hopefully it will, I will give it a years time to prove its worthiness.....


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My Regimen
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Im about to start finasteride myself. I just went through a massive thinning shed that seems like it happened over night (going through a very bad part of my life and the stress is high right now)
My hair was already pretty bad, probably a norwood 4 or 5, but now the top looks like its thinning drastically. I can see scalp in the mirror from the front view and the hair quality is very low. So basically if finasteride makes you shed hard for 4 months Im going to have to prepare to star a norwood 6 or 7 in the mirror??