How do I have cardio the day after lifting without overtrain


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Should I run the day after a leg workout? What leg exercizes can I do the day after running?
Should I do pushups the day after bench press? What if I do only 50%?
Is an hour total per day of working out the way to get in the best shape?


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I'd like to know this, too.

I have been running my arse off lately...

My schedule is working out something like this:

2 days of intense jogging.
1 day of free weights @ the gym.


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Aplunk said:
I'd like to know this, too.

I have been running my arse off lately...

My schedule is working out something like this:

2 days of intense jogging.
1 day of free weights @ the gym.

That sounds like a good plan for losing weight. I think if I run or cycle a lot, I should not do heavy leg stuff at the gym. I'll just tone with medium or light weights and stop a few reps before failure, and do only 2 sets of each.

As for push ups, I'll do a few sets to or near failure after my weight workout on bench day, but I don't think I need to do them on the off days. If I do, I'll do a half set between running sprints, and total 2 half sets that day.

For weights, I'm doing them 3x per week, but I'm doing 95 pound bench on monday, 115 pound bench on wednesday, and then 140 pound bench on Friday, so I have two days off for the heavy day. Maybe I should move my medium weight to monday, though.

I was really hungry for hours after my workout last night, and really sleepy too. I took 95 pounds and flat benched it 6 sets with 30 second rests. My reps dropped fast, but levelled off at 7 by the 4th set. Then I did a lot of chin ups and cable pull downs and was done in 40 minutes. Did some other stuff, but not that many sets of the other muscle groups.


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Benching 3x per week? Doing back and chest on the same say? :shock:


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s.a.f said:
Benching 3x per week? Doing back and chest on the same say? :shock:

Nothing wrong with that in the short run. Especially since he's not using heavy weights on Mon & Wed.

You aren't going to failure on bench 3x/week are you CCS?


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I go to failure every set. I know some guys stop at 10 even if they can do 15, and keep doing 10 each set and then go to failure on the last set. That workout sounds extremely easy to me. I don't do assisted reps or bad form reps, but if I can do 15 reps, I do at least 14. And I don't get sore either. I did get sore this last time since I did 6 sets of light weights, all to failure, but that is not normal. I fell normal 2 days later, and plan to lift again tonight, medium weight. Am I over doing it? I'm just trying to do a beginner work out.


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Well I suppose it depends on what you're aims are.


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I want to build muscle fast while balancing strength and endurance, and burn a little fat, and put most of the muscle on my upper body, since my legs are already buff and cut.


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I want to put on 10 pounds of muscle and lose 5 pounds of fat by the end of summer, and no roids or crazy stuff. Just the right amino acids and food at the right time.


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s.a.f said:
Benching 3x per week? Doing back and chest on the same say? :shock:

I think it is just advanced lifters who have to lift every 3 or more days. I don't know what category my body is in, but I'm hoping it is in the beginner stage since I've only been lifting non-regulary for a long time. If I don't get any results, I'll try an advanced split.


Well I usually lift 4 times a week and 2 body muscles earch day. After I lift weights and usually do cardio for 30 minutes. I have been doing this routine for 1 year and so far it got me more leaner and stronger.


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Well I sure wrote a lot in my previous posts. But I've discovered in the gym that some days I can do 25 reps of 115 pounds, and other days I can only do 15 reps of 95 pounds. So it makes not sense to make long winded lifting plans.

I still think 95, 115, 135-145 are good weights for me, but instead of picking a certain number of reps to shoot for, I now just do reps until I start to slow down, and then I stop and rest. This sounds like slacking, but I can do a lot of volume this way since my reps don't drop each set. Then I get my burn when I push myself in the last to sets.

I think the heavy day should be on a circuit, so that the muscles have time to recover but I don't have to sit around too long.


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You're doing too many reps. Lower your reps for maximum hypertrophy and growth. Right now you're in the endurance range.