How Do I Even Know If Finasteride Is Working?


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i take a real low dose 0.25mg EOD but willl probs bump it up to everyday

how do i know if it's working? my hair looks the same as it did a few months ago? maybe a little thicker idno


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I took it for about 6 months worried sick about this, I didn't know if it was helping.

When I started i noticed that if I ran a comb across the side of my head I'd lose maybe 1-2 hairs, but running a comb across the top would get 3-6 lose hairs.

After 6 months that began to slowly change, by 8 months the top was the same as the sides and back.

Here For the Lulz

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12 months or so. If during that time your loss continues unabated then it’s probably not working. If, however it remains stable then it probably is. A lot of people seem to think regrowth is a measurement of finasteride’s effectiveness, but for the vast majority it simply holds the line. You have to be patient; the only thing that can answer your question is time.


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I have been in Finasteride for 8 months with a 0.5mg daily dose. I have wondered if it is working at all too at times. The only thing I have noticed is I have less hair fall in the shower, on my pillow and if i comb my hair. I can see tiny little hairs but that could be ones that are on their way out. If I just maintain I will be happy.


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I took one pill my penis became McBride’s Rollercoaster :(


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It now has dents and bumps :(


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Potholes and whatnot


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take a pic of your head/scalp before you take your 1st pill. Use this as your baseline. Every 1 month take a pic again to see if it has results. Do this every month for at least 6 months. Then you can tell if it is working or not.

Sides are common too during the first few weeks. If you experience random ball ache, taking too long to ejaculate, loss of libido, watery semen, then it's in your system and lowering down your dht. At times the sides go away. It took me 2 weeks til these sides are gone