How Do I Blank Out My Eyes Posting Photos?


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Hi All,
I know this is a pedestrian question but I'm not all that au fait with computers. How do I post pics of my head/scalp etc, but blank out my eyes? Many thanks in advance.


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I just go to microsoft paint on my computer, and use tools there to cover it up.

but try looking online also for editing tools (might take long to do that)

, or if you use a phone, use perhaps snapchat or other apps to edit them, and save to gallery, but you still have to post them somewhere


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so, if your on a computer, click the windows icon on the bottom left, and search for "paint" , and if you haev that, click on it, and look for a way "open", which will bring you to files to open.

If you are using a phone, you would have to save pictures to your phone, then remove the memory stick and put it into your computer.


If you want to post on the phone, I do not know how to do those easily when editing