Histogen, a new San Diego company in the HM game...

michael barry

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They are projecting a 2015 release date, have been through pre-clinicals. They are a long way off in my opinion, but its good they "think they can" and are investigating this...........

On more recent notes..................its been brought up in the program of the latest North American Hair Research Society that some group or another wants to grow proto-hairs from your cells OUTSIDE THE BODY and re-implant them. I think this would be a very good idea as hair cells multiplied from fiberblast and dermal papilla cells obviously haven't had the consistent success folks envisioned a few years back. This might be a much better methodology..................if we could get whole hairs, or something close to it, growing in a culture medium in a lab and then transplant them to your head.............they'd probably have a much better chance at success


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I wonder how many other companies there are like this that haven't really announced anything publicly?? I had a consultation with Dr. Alvi Armani a month ago and when I asked him about where my hair loss will be 10-15 years from now he literally almost laughed and asked sarcasticaly if I honestly think I'll even need to worry about it in 10 or even 5 years from now. He then started talking about the number of different companies and groups, both public and private, that are working on a "molelucular level" cure, as he described it, to hair loss and said right now it's just a race to the finish line with literally dozens of entrants. He seemed VERY confident that something worty of a cure will be here within "10 if not 5" years. Now I don't really know if I buy that but I'd imagine he runs in different circles than most of us so he might know something we don't. He even mentioned that he himself is doing research into what I can only imagine is some sort of hair cloning or multiplication and said that's what he's going to go out [of the hair transplant industry] on within the next 10 years. It all sounded great and was coming from a man who obviously knows a lot about the business so I'm cautiously optimistic about it. Now I'm wondering if that's the reason why he has absolutely no problem building NW1 hairlines on 24 y/o guys who are already a NW3-5??

Either way whenever I see a news article about some company some where with another approach on the horizon I always think back about what he said, if it's true or not. I guess only time will tell but I do think it's safe to say that in the last decade we've had a computer revolution and that in the next 10+ years hopefully that will translate into a medical one. Also you have to realize that more money now is being dumped into the industry than ever before. Everybody knows a real "cure" would be worth literally billions, so there's a real incentive to do this and investors actually believe it's possible, hence the 10 million recently given to Follica as just one example.

So yeah, I guess "I'm not all that surprised" is what I was trying to say lol.

michael barry

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Now I'm wondering if that's the reason why he has absolutely no problem building NW1 hairlines on 24 y/o guys who are already a NW3-5??

I hope that is the reason why he does that. Ive noted Armani's work (splendid), but he is very aggressive with the hairline placement. Perhpas he is very confident of a cure. I hope so.

If Follica could merely work back in the donor area, you could make more donor hair that could be moved up to the front two or three times and be done with it to be honest. Hair Multiplication with hairs or proto-hairs grown outside of the body would be the best solution to be honest. It would be like being able to take 100 hairs, and "make" 10,000 hairs in a synthetic tissue matrix, and re-implant the proto-hairs in the balding area mixed in with some larger Follicular units........making a nice head of androgen-resistant hair for any and everyone.


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Alvi Armani is a really intelligent man, he graduated with honor and have really pushed the standard in hair transplant. Still I have yet to see his FUE work.

But I remember one person on this forum had a consultation with Alvi Armani 1 year ago. And when he asked Alvi Armani about HM he said that HM is probably coming but what Intercytex showed at a convention was really low substandard. He also said Armani had a very cocky attitude(but still pleasant), but I really cant blame him. He have been giving many of the highest awards in the plastic surgeon field and when it comes to hair transplant he is really THE top Doctor, but very expensive. If a "cure" comes, Alvi Armani would prob just switch to regular plastic surgery, and still be as successful as today.

As hair guru Mr. Barry have said before, Bosley uses HM as a way of giving people hope that the "rescue" is on the way "so its safe to get a hair transplant". I don't know if Alvi Armani says that HM is coming so he could put 4-5000FUE on your head so you look like you have NO hair loss(at least for a year or two) and make A LOT of money on your balding head, but it could be. I personally would never get an hair transplant if I wasn't sure that I would get thick hair all over my head. Paying 10-20 000$ for see-trough hair that has to be styled to look decent don't really cut it for me. I understand people that do it, but I think it's more a psychological issue when you do a big hair transplant that don't even give you good hair.


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I don't know if Alvi Armani says that HM is coming so he could put 4-5000FUE on your head

bingo... he seems to be an amazing doctor but remember, they are also salesmen... he could be right - i hope he is...


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He did come off as a little cocky when I was talking to him, but he has that right. He told me he's only going to be in the hair transplant industry for another 10 years or so and that he wants to go out with a bang. I'm sure his sister and transplant centers will stick around after he retires but the entire hair transplant industry landscape could change dramatically if this Follica thing (or something else we don't know about) takes off within that time.