HELP with Minoxidil please


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Hello, so i have been using minoxidil for around 4 months and im starting to get desperate not knowing how this stuff works.Firsr off... my hair loss is small, norwood 1,5 at much 2, receding hairline and thinning (but unoticeable) crown. I went to a derm and gave me a prescription for minoxidil.I have been using it, and i have skept some days (stuff is quite expensive) but i have been mostly constant but im starting to freak out because i feel is getting worse and im not sure if this is shedding.First off, how the hell should i apply that stuff? the derm told me to give 6 shot at the receding temples and crown. However, during the last months i have been noticing some minor thinning in my mild scalp, and it worries me a lot because it wasnt there before. So i started to apply shots in my mild scalp too, and not sure if im doing it right because the derm didnt told me anything about my mild scalp.Out of desperation and worries i started using finasteride too and im not sure if it is a good idea.So my question is, does minoxidil should be applied ONLY at the temples and crown, or if i see my scalp thinning (im not quite sure), should i give myself shots there or is it overdose? i feel im screwing it all.Also, about the shedding phase, because i have been using it for a few months and i get the feeling that is making me actually balder...