Have I wasted 10 months on snake oils ?


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hi everyone
last october, i was a norwood 2ish. i began using revivogen and procerin together.,
10 months down the line, my hair looks alot worse, it seems as though that regime hadn't worked one bit.
I am extremely convinced that procerin is a scam and revivogen doesnt work as good as finasteride or dutasteride.

the hairs that i have lost over the course of 10 months, can i regrow them back on finasteride and the lasercomb ?

I hope so.

My advice for all newbies is DO NOT GO WITH UNPROVEREN PRODUCTS. There are so many scam products out there that claim to regrow hairs and etc, and so many people fall for these claims because they are DESPERATE AND NAIVE AND UNEDUCATED ON HAIRLOSS PRODUCTS. I was deperate, naive and educated about hairloss and products, what works and what dont. I wish I started finasteride from last october, i would have maintained my hair from then onwards and also would have regrown my hair that I have lost over the years.

I feel so pissed off!


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you said you were on revivogen since october - when did you introduce finasteride into your regimen and is it possible to say how drastically your hairloss progressed while you were on revivogen - i.e. did your hairloss not slow down at all?


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it has slowed it down completely in the first 2-3 months

4,5,6 and 7th months, i shed like hell. the shedding had slowed down, but i still shed. i am not sure if this is the hairloss-reversal shed, or just male pattern baldness shed. whatever it was, i want it all back. lol. my hairline also receeded a bit. my bald patch has gotten alot bigger, and i am thinning everywhere, i can now easily feel my scalp much more than before. it is alot more visible from the front aswell.

i introduced finasteride on sep 1st. i am gonna go on dutasteride soon, coz my hairloss is very severe now, and why not go for the strongest thing out there.