HaplnScience a Q2 2021 (Folliclethought)


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Not sure if this have been discussed on here but I wanted to open a thread here. Anyways, let's discuss HaplnScience!

From folliclethought...
Korean company founded in 2018 targeting HAPLN1 Protein. Proposed mechanism involves rebooting the TGF-β and WNT/β-catenin signaling pathways. They are currently in animal proof-of-concept phase. Link to pipeline: [http://www.haplnscience.com/eng.html#con02].
While not yet in phase 1, let's keep an eye out for their progress. Also, keep in mind that the rapid rise in companies with scientific backing is a great sign regardless of phase and success. I would not be surprised if we see many more companies from South Korea, the capital of insane beauty standards and cosmetics.
I would also love to hear input from the forum pros.
Finally, keep your ears peeled, more and more will come as COVID stabilizes!

Brief Article:
South Korean pharma company founded in 2018. Their company seeks to create regenerative therapies by targeting the HAPLN1 protein. HAPLN1 stands for hyaluronan proteoglycan link protein 1. According to the company, HAPLN1 plays an important role in tissue aging and can be used to “regenerate damaged tissue by acting on the extracellular matrix.” Currently, HaplnScience has four treatment indications listed in its pipeline: osteoarthritis, COPD, skin aging, and hair loss. Osteoarthritis is their most developed program nearing a phase 1 clinical trial in humans.
CEO Choi Hak-Bae states his company’s skin and hair treatments will be jointly developed with partners. Though, he doesn’t specify whether partner companies are in place yet for those treatments
HS-301 is the codename for HaplnScience’s hair growth treatment which will be applicable to both men and women, and their website contains a bit of scientific rationale for the drug. In a nutshell, the company believes that HS-301 will be able to recapitulate hair growth by proliferating the human hair germinal matrix cells (HHGMC) at the base of the hair follicle. See image below.

The company has also proposed a mechanism of action which involves rebooting the TGF-β and WNT/β-catenin signaling pathways. In various media quotations, CEO Choi Hak-Bae has iterated that HAPLN1 is a protein naturally found in the human body, thus, the safety aspect of this treatment should be a non-issue. Apparently, preclinical trials for HAPLN1 targeting osteoarthritis have gone well by regenerating cartilage in rats and goats. We certainly hope that HaplnScience secures the right strategic partner to move their interesting therapy for hair into preclinical/clinical trials immediately.