Hair Thinning Only On The Right Side Of My Temple

Liam Flanigan

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Hey guys I'm a 20 year old male and my hair has started thinning. However, it is only thinning on the right side of my temple, where the natural part in my hair is. My hair length right now is pretty long, down to my shoulders. I don't put my hair up in a bun/ponytail but I do wear a headband. If I had to put a number to it I'd say the right side of my temple is about 25-30% thinner than the left. Now, i was curious if you guys think maybe it's just temporary thinning and not anything genetic. I work a pretty stressful retail job so I'm usually on edge whenever I'm at work, so maybe that is contributing to the thinning? Or maybe the right side is just a higher traffic area, pulling out more hairs. I don't rub the right side of my temple any more than the left so it wouldn't be my first guess. Should I start treating it with rogaine and other hairloss prevention methods or should I stay away and see if it improves or worsens over time. Maybe even cut it if that would help?


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Hey guys I'm a 20 year old male and my hair has started thinning. However, it is only thinning on the right side of my temple, where the natural part in my hair is. My hair length right now is pretty long, down to my shoulders. I don't put my hair up in a bun/ponytail but I do wear a headband. If I had to put a number to it I'd say the right side of my temple is about 25-30% thinner than the left. Now, i was curious if you guys think maybe it's just temporary thinning and not anything genetic. I work a pretty stressful retail job so I'm usually on edge whenever I'm at work, so maybe that is contributing to the thinning? Or maybe the right side is just a higher traffic area, pulling out more hairs. I don't rub the right side of my temple any more than the left so it wouldn't be my first guess. Should I start treating it with rogaine and other hairloss prevention methods or should I stay away and see if it improves or worsens over time. Maybe even cut it if that would help?
you should post pictures so we can give you opinions