"hair product" written on package from HairLossTalk.com shop

Dr Evil

New Member
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Hey everybody, I ordered some PPG-free minoxidil from HairLossTalk.com's shop and when it came it had "hair product" written on the customs slip, which was a bit embarrassing. Now my nosey step-father knows that I'm using hairloss products.

I can't believe HairLossTalk.com would be so indiscreet.

I know this is store-related but I want to raise awareness, so that (a) people don't suffer the same embarrassment that I did, and (b) something can be done about it.

I'm not saying HairLossTalk.com should lie to customs, but surely they could be a little more vague. Why not "skincare" or "cosmetics" or even "health product"?


Senior Member
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Thats about as vague as you can be with customs though. They dictate what's it needs to say. :dunno:

Dr Lee used to say "Cosmetic Samples" or something like that and I think he got in trouble for it.

Anyway...I will forward this on to the site owner.