Hair Pieces and Marriage


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Its all a give and take thing,in a true loving lasting relationship, you get what you put in most of the time or less depending on the partner you have,sometimes you might have to anti up financially and give your lady some money for clothes and other things without asking why afterwards(its called being selfless),sometimes your woman will have to put up with your B"S" for instance after you had a bad day of work, and when you sit on your lazy boy and crank that baby up lol and you being a couch potato and your woman passes you a cold beer out of the fridge even though theres something else she might be doing at the time and she passes you that beer that should be your million dollar moment.If you recognize the small things your woman does for you it adds up over time,romance and passion are only a heartbeat away(which leads to awesome sex).Do yourself a favor and listen to some love songs or R&B like Barry White, Jodeci, Alexander Oneil etc. When you look into a soul of a woman and conversate with her about life youll get to know what shes about,women are pretty much an open book all you got to do is be a good listener,look into your womans eyes and let yourself melt,bask in her glow! Tell her,I think you are absolutely georgeous! after you get to know her well. Pay attention and be more aware of what your love interest is trying to say, the best tool a man has for a woman is his ears.Be more sensual(mindful)and this goes for both sex and love,think outside the box,its okay to be insecure about your hair or relationships,it makes you more human and dare I say approachable,but at the same time just try to loosen up and just be yourself and the rest will fall in place.


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scorpiolove74 said:
Its all a give and take thing,in a true loving lasting relationship, you get what you put in most of the time or less depending on the partner you have,sometimes you might have to anti up financially and give your lady some money for clothes and other things without asking why afterwards(its called being selfless),sometimes your woman will have to put up with your B"S" for instance after you had a bad day of work, and when you sit on your lazy boy and crank that baby up lol and you being a couch potato and your woman passes you a cold beer out of the fridge even though theres something else she might be doing at the time and she passes you that beer that should be your million dollar moment.If you recognize the small things your woman does for you it adds up over time,romance and passion are only a heartbeat away(which leads to awesome sex).Do yourself a favor and listen to some love songs or R&B like Barry White, Jodeci, Alexander Oneil etc. When you look into a soul of a woman and conversate with her about life youll get to know what shes about,women are pretty much an open book all you got to do is be a good listener,look into your womans eyes and let yourself melt,bask in her glow! Tell her,I think you are absolutely georgeous! after you get to know her well. Pay attention and be more aware of what your love interest is trying to say, the best tool a man has for a woman is his ears.Be more sensual(mindful)and this goes for both sex and love,think outside the box,its okay to be insecure about your hair or relationships,it makes you more human and dare I say approachable,but at the same time just try to loosen up and just be yourself and the rest will fall in place.

The man you discribe is a slob who is nothing like me.


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Dashtoronto said:
this is a serious subject.

for some, its not that big a deal.

for others, it is a big deal.

Since a piece radically changes/alters/affects your appearance...

its gonna be a wallop if she does find out you wear one.

I think im the most severe hairloss case, considering my entire head is pretty much bald, except for sides.

this question really comes into play when someone starts wearing one and going out on dates with girls and finds out he's hitting it off with some really nice girls.

Then, furthermore; turns out to spend not just weeks, but months and years with one particular girl. They build a relationship, get to know each other - and suddenly - one or the other pops the question.

Of course, spending a few years with a person - it becomes a really serious issue - because all those years - you decided never to tell her - and suddenly - if you were to tell her - she could say the whole relationship was based on a lie - since you never told her about it and the whole time - she believed you had a full head of hair. Then she accuses you of being a liar.

what happens then? two, three, four years go down the drain? Just like that? I don't know what can make a person's self worth go any lower than that. Having all those years wasted all because of a head of hair.

to think, our entire self worth and entire value as a human being comes down to a head of hair.

pretty serious, actually.

So, what then? Some guys don't think its that big a deal - because they have partial pieces - and it doesn't cover their entire head -

other guys, its more of a big deal - since its a much bigger piece - and covers the entire head.

And lastly,

I don't think you can keep it a secret from your wife. No way.
You'd have to make sure you're wearing a piece 24/7 and making sure she doesn't suspect at all.

That's impossible.

And then when she does find out, she'll declare the entire relationship based on a lie and say all her years spend with you was one big lie and all a waste of time.

That's a pretty devestating blow to a guy's self worth and self value - all those years of his invested in getting to know her, taking her out to dinners, being there for her when she was feeling down, sick or enduring a sad period of her life, making her dinners at home, giving her the best nights of make out sessions, poetry written for her, friendship, gifts, looking good for her, etc etc etc...

all for nothing.

Another way of looking at it is...

Imagine you met a girl, she was incredibly beautiful, you start to date her, see her on a regular basis. Weeks become months, months become years. You grow quite invested in her, emotionally, financially...spending weeks, months of your time with her - and not other girls - you get married to her - and one day - you find out her hair isn't really her hair - but a piece and that she's really actually very bald and cannot grow hair for some medical reason.

Would you dump her on the spot? Knowing that she wears a piece, her hair isn't real and she is actually a very bald woman. Knowing her physical appearance at home, behind closed doors, when nobody is looking, when not in actually very different than what she really looks like.

I would not break up with a woman for that reason.

You are under no obligation to tell a woman you wear when you are first dating. I'm sure she has many secrets too. And if she is making you pay for dinner, then you really don't owe her anything. But if she actually treats you like an equal and is thinking of marriage, then that is when the issue comes up. Fact is, many people have relationships that don't last anyway. Why should you be totally sexless while everyone else inter boinks?


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I've heard of guys who SWEAR their wives don't know they wear hair. Guess what? They ALL know - but many don't let on because they are being considerate of their hubby's feelings.

I had a guy do some repairs here a couple of years ago. He told me that he had been married for 7 years and that his wife had no idea that he wore a piece. Trust me, everybody who gets within 30 feet of this guy knows he wears a piece! It was AWFUL! But I bet his wife loves him a lot...


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It has been a long time since I've seen so much paranoia inside a single topic...

First of all, there are good hairpieces which can't be detected from very close distances (anyone who has seen swiss lace hair pieces knows this).

As to the "telling the secret" issue, I guess you are forgetting a "little thing called love". C'mon, women wear makeup, hair extensions, fake boobs, lyposuctions, botox, etc, so why shouldn't men use their own tricks? If a woman would dump you after you reveal to her that you are using a a hair piece (and I'm speaking of a good hair piece, with correct density, cut and adjustment), then she doesn't simply love you.

I don't care about which tricks my loved one uses to look more attractive, I only care that she does look attractive and that she makes that effort for me... she will think the same of you the day you tell her. The only person who will be embarassed will be you, not her... her life will go on, and she doesn't care as long as you look good with your fake hair.