Hair loss questions...


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I'm 21 years old and have been losing hair since I was 18 or 19. A month ago, I finally started taking Rogaine (5%) and Propecia.

Since taking the medicines, I have been losing hair much more rapidly than before. I have TGel Shampoo, but as silly as it sounds, I don't wash my hair often because I hate to see all the hair I lose. I feel as if I don't have much more to lose, and washing it seems to make it all fall out.

Some days are worse than others, and my hair loss is all over the top of my head. In fact, it seems as if I even lose hair on the side of my head as well sometimes, but that isn't noticeable.. it just comes out when I run my hands through my head sometimes.

How long will I be shedding and at what point should I see results? I realize I need to wash my hair and use shampoo more often, but is the lack of it going to ruin any chance of me regrowing?

Is there anything else I should be taking besides these two drugs? Your help is sincerely appreciated, as I'm young and very upset over the hair loss. I feel as if I don't have much time for the drugs to work before it is completely obvious to everyone else. I don't even do my hair anymore because when it is wet, it is so obvious.

Thanks for your help!


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I started taking Propecia at 18 years old. You need to wait a year before you will notice clear, discernable differences in your hairline. In a couple of months, your hairloss should stop. And then you might regrow some hair. Just hold tight.



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You sound like you are experiencing a shed that occurs when you start using minoxidil. It happens usually happens 2-5 weeks after starting.


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You should definitely also be using Nizoral shampoo once every three days. Finasteride, Minoxidil, and Nizoral are known around here as the 'big 3'


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After reading your post again, also wash you hair more often.. I know it sucks to see the hair fall out, but keeping a healthy scalp condition is much more important.


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I started losing hair around 18 years old and I would think that not washing my hair would be good and that shampoos were doing me wrong. But use the recommended shampoos once a day. Trust me...its good for you. I've been there done that. Use Thicker Fuller Hair Shampoo and Nizoral every third day, you can get that from Wal-greens and it works really well.


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Thanks for your help. Does shedding mean I am going to grow the hair back? I'm not sure I understand why I am shedding. How long before hair loss slows down and I start to grow hair back? Is Nizoral better than T/Gel?


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im no expert but you probably want to use both Nizoral and t-gel. Use the nizoral every 3 days and the t-gel the rest (thats what i do). Yea, the shedding means that its working so hang in. good luck.jrb


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If a hair is going to come out with very little effort, it is going to come out. Not washing your hair is not keeping it in there. It is just falling out when you are not noticing it, like walking, sleeping, wind blowing, etc. My understanding is that a hair will fall out and if it is one that is affected by DHT, a new hair will grow in it's place but be thinner. This process will continue until that hair follicle ceises to exist. It takes a little time. I still remember right after I turned 20 putting my hand through my hair in the shower and seeing hundreds of hairs in my hand! I was so scared and I tried everything I could think of. There was no internet to reseach hairloss and rogaine 2% was just starting to come out with prescription.

If I were you, I would start washing it more frequently. Also, T/Sal (not T/gel)is working great for me. It has salicitic acid in it and will burn alot of that goopy sebum buildup I have a feeling you have. It's going to take some balls, but wash, wash, wash, and close your eyes if you have to. If you don't use Nizoral, T/Sal or T/Gel, use something very clean like Neutrogena Anti Residue Formula.


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tapdoaca said:
What's a good daily shampoo? Other than using T-Gel or T-Sal.

I use T/Sal once to twice daily with no side effects. Some people have reactions to it though. A milder alternative is Neutrogena Healthy Scalp with a reduced concentrate of salicitic acid. Make sure to leave on your scalp for a few minutes.


bombscience said:
You sound like you are experiencing a shed that occurs when you start using minoxidil. It happens usually happens 2-5 weeks after starting.

Ive been using min for almost 2 weeks and no signs of shedding yet. Im happy but i dunno if i should be worried...


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YoungGuy17 said:
bombscience said:
You sound like you are experiencing a shed that occurs when you start using minoxidil. It happens usually happens 2-5 weeks after starting.

Ive been using min for almost 2 weeks and no signs of shedding yet. Im happy but i dunno if i should be worried...

Who knows what will happen, shedding is a unpredictable phenomenon, either way shed is tough on the concious, but a good thing non the less.


Yea i KNOW it would be very hard for me emotionally to take. Im gunna be depressed through the whole shed i Know it lol. But, not everyone sheds on just min and I have shown no signs so far. I might now shed ya never know.


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tapdoaca said:
What's a good daily shampoo? Other than using T-Gel or T-Sal.

Good Shampoos For Scalp Condition:
Bruce says Folligen Shampoo
I use TGel, TSal, nizoral 1 day a week

Good Shampoos that dont buildup and have cosmetic thickening effects:
Thicker Fuller Hair
Infusium 23
Progain? (As reported by some)