greasy hair a symptom or cause?


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Overall, my hair loss is all over my head. I'm not too sure if it's DUPA, though.

But I really haven't had the time to get my scalp checked, so I just want some comments on my situation.

Over the past 4 months my hair has become more greasy. At this point it becomes greasy pretty much right out of the shower. The reason I wanted to post this was because I touched the back of my head and my hair literally felt wet from the natural oils. It didn't go away at all, even right now I can touch it and it still feels wet.

Any comments on this?


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your skin is always producing SEBUM (what looks like oil) so that your body's surface can stay lubricated and have a smaller chance of drying out. This SEBUM also adds moisture to your hair, making it silky and flexible (so it doesn't break as easily). the more hair you lose, the more SEBUM you will see, because even after the follicle dies, the SEBUM still squirts out of the SEBAUCUS GLAND in every pore of your head. unfortunately this is a symptom AND possible cause of more hair loss...if you don't get your SEBUM under control, you could have a dried up slate produced here and there on your head, blocking follicles, and pores....suffocating them...not letting hair grow properly. LEMON JUICE might help...mix it with water (half and half) pour it all over your head...massage it into your scalp...leave it on for thirty minutes. wash it out. do this every now and then. when your situation improves start using an olive oil and egg YOLK mix...this will remove excess oil and gross litter and junk that decided to stay...HOPEFULLY. i'll be honest...this only KIND of works for me...but apparently, some people REALLY find this helpful. everyone's different