Gotem42's story


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Hey Everyone, I am very new to the board.

I am 23 years old and have noticed myself losing hair since I was about 18-19. I have a widows peak, which at first bothered me a lot (that is where I noticed myself losing hair first) but now it does not bother me. What does bother me is that I have a lot of thinning on the very top of my head, all the way back (hairline to half of the crown). I first tried rogaine but just could not use it for as many times as it called for bc of how my hair would look after. I then started on propecia and that seemed to work pretty well actually for a little while but I really suffered some sexual side effects (not something you want ever, let alone when you are first going to college) I then came off of it bc of the side effects but I started to lose my hair almost immediately. After about 10 months off of propecia I went back on it but my hairloss never seemed to stop. It still kept thinning on top (I have hair all over my head BUT its very thin on top) Finally in May of 04 I decided to come off of propecia for good bc i was tired of the side effects and I didnt want to keep taking this drug at such a young age for such a long time. I did invest in the Laser Comb and have seen some regrowth on my hairline (not anything to be really excited about but there is a difference) It seems to be maintaining what I have on my head but I'm not getting any noticiable regrowth.

Has anyone else had this same hairloss pattern? Obviously this bothers me like it does anyone else. I have been thinking long and hard about getting a hair transplant to thicken up the vertex of my head from my hairline to the back. I have pretty fine hair and have all my life. I'm intrigued in learning more about the FUE's. has anyone had this procedure done? I really dont want to have the strip scar in the back of my head so the FUE's seem appealing (though are more expensive it sounds). Also has anyone around my age had a hair transplant before in this forum? Ive debated on checking out bosley and have also looked into some other surgeons. I'm very mixed about what to do. Everyday I seem to go back and forth and I admit that I am a bit afraid of a hair transplant bc I know that is something that can change my appearance for the rest of my life, either in a positive way or a negative way.

Thank you for reading my long boring story! I really do appreciate your input into my situation. Have a good one guys.