Good or Bad Sign?


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I have been taking finasteride (albeit at a pretty low dosage) for just over two weeks and after washing my hair yesterday I noticed that quite a few small hairs had fallen out. They were all thick hairs and all around 5mm long when most of my hair is currently around an inch long. I have noticed small hairs fall out before, but they are usually really fine, this is the first time I have noticed quite a few short thick hairs fall out. Is it a sign that the finasteride is starting to work or are the folicles where these hairs came from up sh*t creek and will never produce long again?


New Member
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I have the same thing too :S but im not using any medicine for my hair :S So I guess its permanent loss :/


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First rule - Don't obsess!

Second rule - Dont evaluate your hair every 2 weeks! I know its hard, but you are going to drive yourself insane.

Third rule - finasteride can cause shedding. Just deal with it. NONE of this is permenant loss if you are on Propecia at the time. Whoever said that, shame on you!

Fourth rule - make sure you're using nizoral too, biff!

Fifth rule - the fifth rule is don't talk about hairlosstalk club.


New Member
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What do u think of someone with the same situation, with the exception of not using any drugs ?


Established Member
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Thanks I know two weeks is a little early to attribute it to the finasteride, it is just that I have never noticed thick short hairs fall out before in a reasonably large number.

I think it is probably normal hair loss, Skimp, your best bet will be to get on finasteride and try and save the folicles before it's too late.