Getting discouraged


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I don't usually post but I thought I would this time. I started losing my hair at around 20 or so. I didn't starting doing anything about it until I was about 25 or so when I started on minoxidil. I used that steadily for 2 more years until I added Proscar (cut of course) to the mix. I switched to Propecia after about 7 months out of fear that what I was getting ( might not be entirely legit. So, for about 10 or 11 months I've been on the big 3 (nizoral, Propecia, minoxidil). While I've had little evidence that my hair is improving (balding badly on the crown and the receding hairline to boot) I've kept a good attitude about the whole thing. However, yesterday I got a haircut and was a bit shocked at how much hair I'd lost. Maybe I just hadn't looked in a while but it really upset me. I'm starting to feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. What do you guys think? I mean, is the really test of whether or not I'm wasting my time a couple years down the road? I noticed the Propecia clinical test where for 5 year periods. I'm just getting discouraged because I feel like I'm spending money, time and effort and this hariloss is just kicking my ***. I'm going to be 30 next month and really thought I'd see improvement but I guess not. Am I just having a bad patch here?
Thanks for listening (or reading)


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hairloss has kicked many men's arse mate,no shame in that man,its always sad when you read someone who has put so much effort in,and got little return,only you can decide wether to keep fighting mate,you have defiantly given them treatments a fair crack, perhaps before you throw the towel in mate, you could try swap your propecia for dustasteride,after all its suppose to be alot stronger, you might respond well to it,also add a topical like spironolactone lotion 5%,try them mate, unfortunately some mens genes are just to strong,to stop this f**king hair loss,do try these treatments before you give up,otherwise your never know,and give them long enough to work.

and if you do eventually concede defeat,least you know in your heart you gave it everything and you didnt go down without a fight.

for that you can be proud !

good luck brother !