Flurdil...if any one is currently using it please reply


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Is it true that the directions recommend that you should only wash your hair every few days when on it? If so, what is the reason for this?


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I have been trying to ascertain the answer to that question also...It sounds like rubbish if you ask me. I can't see how any pharma group could expect people to wash their hair once a week....


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Yeah, I hear you. I'm getting more and more skeptical on this whole Fluridil thing. I wish we could get some interview with the makers of it. You'd think that if it was as succesful as they make it seem, then they would gladly answer a few questions.
Desar :smoke:


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It's absolutely fine to wash your hair with normal shampoo everyday whilst on fluridil. This is especially true when you realise that it's 98% alcohol so isn't going to stay on your head for very long as it'll evaporate away very quickly.

The idea of using dry shampoo (i.e. never getting your hair wet) was to stop people from washing their hair and immediately applying fluridil - that's because fluridil is rendered useless on contact with water, as a way of preventing systemic absorption. It was also due to the fact that during the fluridil trials, that's what the patients did. That's why it's still on the instructions, but nobody follows it.

In fact I'm pretty sure I recall seeing an email from interpharma over at hairsite saying that washing your hair normally was fine provided that the scalp was dry when fluridil is applied.


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funkster said:

It's absolutely fine to wash your hair with normal shampoo everyday whilst on fluridil. This is especially true when you realise that it's 98% alcohol so isn't going to stay on your head for very long as it'll evaporate away very quickly.

The idea of using dry shampoo (i.e. never getting your hair wet) was to stop people from washing their hair and immediately applying fluridil - that's because fluridil is rendered useless on contact with water, as a way of preventing systemic absorption. It was also due to the fact that during the fluridil trials, that's what the patients did. That's why it's still on the instructions, but nobody follows it.

In fact I'm pretty sure I recall seeing an email from interpharma over at hairsite saying that washing your hair normally was fine provided that the scalp was dry when fluridil is applied.


Thanks for clarifying that. So do you usually apply fluridil at night before you go to bed?

also how long have you been using it?

Thanks again


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Hey Ralph

I've only just managed to get hold of it (instructions on how to get it here - http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions/viewtopic.php?t=3513)

I'm probably going to start it soon, but only to one temple to try and judge if it's any good. I'm keeping the rest of my regimen unchanged. Both temples have so far been responding at the same rate so any increase in one over the other could reasonable be attributed to fluridil.

I intend applying fluridl last thing at night, and then washing it out in the morning. minoxidil 5% will be added in the morning, and 12.5% xandrox late afternoon, giving at least 3-4 hours before applying fluridil to a dry temple.

I'll keep you guys updated :)


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funkster said:
Hey Ralph

I've only just managed to get hold of it (instructions on how to get it here - http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions/viewtopic.php?t=3513)

I'm probably going to start it soon, but only to one temple to try and judge if it's any good. I'm keeping the rest of my regimen unchanged. Both temples have so far been responding at the same rate so any increase in one over the other could reasonable be attributed to fluridil.

I intend applying fluridl last thing at night, and then washing it out in the morning. minoxidil 5% will be added in the morning, and 12.5% xandrox late afternoon, giving at least 3-4 hours before applying fluridil to a dry temple.

I'll keep you guys updated :)

Cool, thanks man. I wish you the best of luck with it. I'll be patiently waiting to see your results and judge if I should get on it myself.

One last question...what Norwood are you?

Thanks for all the help,



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RalphyWiggum said:
One last question...what Norwood are you?

Probably a NW2 - take a look at the pics on my diary pages - link just below in my signature.

My goal, btw, is to find an effective antiandrogen topical (fluridil, RU, whatever) that will allow me to drop my internal 5aR inhibitor, avodart, as soon as possible.

I don't want to be on avodart for more than 12 months (5 months already) - I'm looking for long-term safe maintenance of my current hair, rather than tons of regrowth, although I aim to fill my temples in a little if possible.

Check out the diary section if you have a 'mo - I ramble on about why I'm simplifying my regimen etc - I'll update that page as soon as I start fluridil.

I'll be taking some fluridil baseline photos, and my general 6 months photos are due next month. I'll post here to let you guys know.


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Are you kidding?

Short of some thinning that I'm unable to see I'd classify you as a NW1.5 tops. You and I are almost in the same exact boat. Could be a mature hairline could male pattern baldness. And like you, I am one to air on the side of caution.

Good Luck and Thanks again