First Consultation


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I visited a London hair clinic in Harley Street last weekend for my first consultation to see what my options were. The medical expert I saw was very professional at his job and he answered all of my questions and explained fully the procedure and what I would need to have done. I explained to him that I was transgender and required a lower hair line than a typical male hairline and he said this could be best achieved using the “stripâ€￾ method (FUT) and that I would need a total of 3900 grafts for the frontal area only. He explained that by taking Finasteride for a year to begin with that this will improve the thinning of my crown area but I would have to stay on the drug for life in order to stop my hair from falling out. He went on to explain that the procedure would have to be done in two sessions a minimum of 9 months apart from each other as the maximum number of grafts per session would be around 2500 to 3000.
I was satisfied with the quotation but am unsure about how long it will take before I have a full head of hair? I just feel there would a lot of anxiety and uncertainty leading up to this point. No one can tell me how long it will take for my hair to grow down to shoulders.
It would be nice to hear your thoughts please.



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If you plan on getting castrated you will no longer have to take finasteride after that. It will be about 12-15 months after the first surgery until all your transplanted hair is growing well and after that will grow at a rate of 1cm/month on average. You can look into things which may speed up hair growth rate, but I am not sure about these products effectiveness