Finasteride Side Effects? Just Paranoid?


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Hey. I'm going to tell you about my experience.

I learned that I was anxiety 3 years ago.

I used paxera(antidepresan) for 3 years. My doctor gave it to me and i started using it right away. I didn't investigate side effects.I just bought it and started it. İts just made me good. Last week I looked at its side effects and read things like libido reduction, ED and sudden death. Maybe if I had read it without using it, I would live them.

Paxera(or paxil, paroxetibe etc.) Side effects. Only a few

  • vision changes;

  • weakness, drowsiness, dizziness;

  • sweating, anxiety, shaking;

  • sleep problems (insomnia);

  • loss of appetite, constipation;

  • dry mouth, yawning; or

  • decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm.
i was having sex with my ex girlfriend 5 times a day back then

Can we just care about our d*ck? How can a pill continue to show side effects after leaving the system?

We want a remedy, doctors offer remedy but we say "oh no i dont want side effects"

Are we waiting for a magic pill? 1 night use and full hair and no side effects.

Make your decision. As a balding man, your want disinterested women, low self-esteem and depression? Or to look at women comfortably and flirt with them?

If you're a 25-year-old bald, you can masturbate all day with your d*ck. Even if ur dck on a flight all day, only you can see.
  • Sorry for english bcs im turkish.
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