finasteride Dosages/Side Effects


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I'm starting to realise that I'm gonna have to go back on finasteride if I wan't to be truly successful in regrowing/maintaining. I've had some initial success combining Regaine and Nizoral but I can feel the negative effects of DHT creeping back up.

Unfortunately I suffered from fatigue the last time I took finasteride. It took 6 months until it hit but after that I was suffering from it everyday. This was taking 1mg a day. My new thought is to start off with a very mild dosage. Something like 0.25mg every other day. I know some of you will probably think that will be ineffective but my male pattern baldness isn't as aggressive as some and I've heard of other people having good success taking very light doses.

I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has found that lowering dosage of finasteride has helped with avoiding side effects.