Finasteride Destroyed My Hair. Any Had A Recovery From This?


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Blaming the drug for destroying his hair when he was going bald before he started it. You can't make this sh*t up.


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Blaming the drug for destroying his hair when he was going bald before he started it. You can't make this sh*t up.

What would you put it down to then? Have you seen my pictures from 14 months apart? I wasn't going fully bald just thinning on my crown. My hair was thick before I started taking Finasteride, now its thin all over my scalp which I never suffered from before.


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What would you put it down to then? Have you seen my pictures from 14 months apart? I wasn't going fully bald just thinning on my crown. My hair was thick before I started taking Finasteride, now its thin all over my scalp which I never suffered from before.

If your not experiencing any major sides apart from continued hair thinning, I would still stick it out until the 2 year mark and then drop it if your hairs still going to sh*t.

It know its unsettling stuff but the reason i suggest the above is because i've experienced sheds like your own in the past and my hair has always bounced back eventually.


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If your not experiencing any major sides apart from continued hair thinning, I would still stick it out until the 2 year mark and then drop it if your hairs still going to sh*t.

It know its unsettling stuff but the reason i suggest the above is because i've experienced sheds like your own in the past and my hair has always bounced back eventually.

Did you ever have an ongoing shed for as long as 14 months though? Whats your regimen?


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Did you ever have an ongoing shed for as long as 14 months though? Whats your regimen?

Well i have had an ongoing Shed for the whole 6 years i have been on treatments, if i comb my hair into the sink i will always get 50-100 hairs its just some months its a lot more and my hair looks visibly worse. There has never been an occasion where i have shed very little to no hair.

My regime is 1mg finasteride a day, 2x minoxidil application a day, 2-3x 1.5mm dermarolling a week.

Look at one of my old threads titled "OH MY GOD - STAY OF PROPECIA... 6MONTHS IN" For the first 12months of being on Propecia my hair went to total sh*t but i did eventually recover - i am not saying this will be the case for you but i do think it is possible that your hair may begin to improve even though you are 14 months in.

Also if your hair doesn't improve but remains the same at the 2 year mark this could still mean Finasteride is working for you and the initial loss you experienced was just minoxidil losing its effectiveness and those dependent hairs shedding. IMO i would only drop it at the 2 year mark if you continued to see a visible decrease in your hair quality and/or you started experiencing sides.