Feelings of disconnection


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TourdeForce24 said:
Deaner, you aren't going to want to hear this but Propecia can cause depression and feelings of brain fog- often making you feel as if you are just floating through life. I was going through the same thing before I stopped it and now I feel like I am back to normal. Maybe you should lower your dosage for a week or so and see how you feel. Remembering your past responses though to anything negative at all about Propecia, I suspect you will just lash out at me with another one.

who's gonna do it? me? ok then....

dude really, no evidence but anectdotal. You may as well say eating burgers does thi salso, and when you stopped all your troubles dissappeared. This is psychosomatic. don't run round forums spouting bs.


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i don't think its entirely psychosomatic, i think there is some real truth to the whole mental dulling thing, i mean, libido and sexual energy, these are two really important forces in the mind of a 20something male. i really don't think you can argue that there is at least some connections with blocking some DHT, and possibly lowering a little sex drive. True, you don't want to spread a lot of negativity around the drug since the sides are a bit rare, and they scare off potential users who could be helped by it, but at the same time there's nothing wrong with sharing some common threads about experiences, and trying to decide if propecia's hair loss success is worth some sides that you are having (whether they be psychosomatic or otherwise) . everyone is different, and i think side effects can be talked about in way that is helpful to people going through similar sh*t.


I think the mental fog could be psychosematic due to the worry and pent up frustartion, depresion due to male pattern baldness. The mental fog could well go when you stop taking the drug because you are basically resigning any decent hope of maintaining your hair thus speeding up the process of coming to terms with male pattern baldness.


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Woooo, guys, slow down eh? Deaner responded that he's trying to quit cold turkey from smoking. Now, don't get me wrong, you all have some awesome advice about depression and possible sides from some of the topical treatments BUT THAT'S not what Deaner is appearing to suffer from! It appears to be sides from quiting cold turkey from smoking. Any ideas about that for Deaner?


Greg1 said:
Woooo, guys, slow down eh? Deaner responded that he's trying to quit cold turkey from smoking. Now, don't get me wrong, you all have some awesome advice about depression and possible sides from some of the topical treatments BUT THAT'S not what Deaner is appearing to suffer from! It appears to be sides from quiting cold turkey from smoking. Any ideas about that for Deaner?

No gregory, I was addressing Trent's comment which is a discussion stemming from Deaner's original post about feeling down which he not mention in original post.