Estrogen/Testosterone Syndrome~Potbelly/Baldness Cure


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"Dr. Bob was a MD internal medicine, orthomolecular doctor, MD psychiatrist, chiropractor, and healer 65 years. He was a diabetic who lived to 108 years with only 1 side effect 2 years before he passed away. Dr. Bob practiced a system of medicine called orthomolecular medicine. It is a system of medicine that uses mainly natural substances that are non-toxic and safe in wide range of doses. It uses mainly herbs and minerals/vitamins.

The idea of testosterone replacement therapy is to give a man who has low testosterone levels; testosterone replacement therapy to rebuild testosterone levels to the lowest levels of optimal youthful levels. A man who restores testosterone levels to optimal youthful levels can gain many benefits. Testosterone promotes growth of muscle, skin, other tissue, proper glucose metabolism, sex drive, joy and positive mood.

However, Dr. Bob advised there are times when testosterone replacement therapy should not be advised, even when testosterone levels fall below minimum standards. Dr. Bob called this exception the, "potbelly/ baldness syndrome-estrogen/testosterone syndrome."

From Harper's Biochemistry, 25th Edition, "There are times in men when abnormally high levels of estrogen are being produced and changes in the biologically active estrogen and testosterone ratios occur. Some of these times can be when chronic liver disease, hyperthyroidism, decrease in androgens, advancing age, and/or hypothyroidism are present. These conditions can also effect sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), by increasing its production. SHBG binds testosterone and estradiol (one of women's estrogens). The amount of testosterone and estradiol free in the bloodstream, are the biologically active forms of the hormones. Therefore, the more bound testosterone, the more restriction of the free concentration of testosterone in serum. Testosterone binds to SHBG with higher affinity than does estradiol. Therefore, a change in the level of SHBG creates a greater change in free testosterone levels than in estradiol levels. An increase of SHBG may contribute to the increased free estrogen-testosterone ratio, and hence contribute to the symptoms of estrogenization, such as enlarged breasts. (Ref. Robert K. Murray, MD, Ph.D., Daryl K. Granmer, MD, Peter A. Mayes, Ph.D., D.Sc., Victor W. Fodwell, Ph.D., Harper's Biochemistry, 25th Edition, Appleton & Lance, Stanford, Connecticut, 2000.)"

Dr. Bob noted when men had enlarged breasts, were advancing in age, had low testosterone levels, potbellies, and were balding (Note - Normal or high testosterone levels can also lead to estrogenization. So baldness, enlarged breasts, pear shape, and so on, and other feminization characteristic are the clues to watch out for higher levels of bound testosterone - lower levels of free testosterone - higher levels of free estrogen.) - particularly in the rear of the head, that this could be a sign of future cancer, particularly prostrate cancer. What Dr. Bob believed was happening when he saw these symptoms, was higher levels of estrogen-testosterone ratios were appearing. He believed that because testosterone had greater affinity to being bound by proteins in the bloodstream, that adding testosterone as a replacement therapy was leading to more estrogen aromatization taking place (androgens producing estrogen-in human males, the peripheral aromatization of testosterone to estradiol accounts for 80% of the production of latter-Harper's Biochemistry, page 601), because testosterone had a greater affinity to being bound by proteins (SHBG) in the bloodstream, increasing the ratio of estrogen-to-testosterone in the active biological forms.

In the cases of increasing higher levels of estrogen-to-testosterone in men, testosterone therapy can result in increasing testosterone levels, resulting in more aromatization of the testosterone to estrogen! This means the more testosterone added, the more estrogen produced in ratio to testosterone. In this case, testosterone replacement therapy would be increasing estrogen levels in the bloodstream in relation to testosterone levels. Since estrogen can result in certain cancers in men, such as prostrate cancers, then testosterone replacement therapy can be dangerous for certain men who may aromatize the testosterone replacement.

Dr. Bob had a nutritional protocol for men with estrogenization characteristics, such as enlarged breasts, potbelly, balding - particularly in rear of head, pear shape anatomy, and other feminine characteristics:

1. 45 mg of zinc picolinate each day.

2. Saw Palmetto extract.

3. Pygeum extract.

4. Nettle leaf extract

5. Chrystin daily.

Dr. Bob said the above nutritional ideas helped keep the proper estrogen-testosterone balance in the bloodstream. He advised doing the above ideas for 3 months, then begin the following to increase testosterone levels:

These following ideas involve hormones, and therefore a hormone specialist or endocrinologist is required for the proper timing and doses. We recommend the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine doctors, called A-4 doctors. They are tested on the newest ideas of the hormonal anti-aging sciences before they are certified A-4 doctors. Their national number is 773-528-4333.

Dr. Bob's orthomolecular ideas to increase testosterone levels in men:

1. 25-50 mg of DHEA in the AM or 30-60 mg of zinc picolinate. Helps to balance sexual steroid hormones and adrenal hormones. See a hormonal specialist for DHEA replacement therapy.

2. Melatonin supplementation. Helps balance thyroid and other vital hormones. 1-3 mg 1 hour before bedtime.

3. See an A-4 doctor, and check other vital hormones that help balance hormonal cascade. Check thyroid, cortisol, growth hormone, and testosterone.

4. After 2 months of DHEA and melatonin, add growth hormone therapy. DHEA and melatonin potentiate growth hormone, so start growth hormone after you have already started DHEA and melatonin. This is a more safe and effective way to begin growth hormone therapy.

5. Do weightlifting exercises that stimulate testosterone and growth hormone. Exercise of the large muscles of the legs, back and chest can stimulate greater levels of growth hormone release. Also consider the method of static contractions (a system of weightlifting invented by Sisco and Little). This is a method where you contract the muscles, that you are using each lift, for at least 2-5 seconds. You contract the muscle at its strongest point. The major source of energy for the first 4-5 seconds of contraction, is creatine phosphate, a high-energy phosphate. Muscles that are sustained contracted, have a high demand for oxygen. High demand for oxygen can result in increased blood flow and nutrients to muscles. This of course, can lead to many benefits for stimulating muscle growth. Little and Sisco have written several books on static contractions, but in summary, a static contraction increases muscle intensity by using a high-energy phosphate. The muscle must be sustained contracted, about 3-5 seconds, to place a great enough demand for creatine phosphate. The cascade of events, greater demand for oxygen, more blood and nutrients, has the potential to greatly stimulate muscle growth. One note, after about 5 seconds of sustained contraction, creatine phosphate stops working and a process called glycolysis takes over as the energy source. So static contractions, as designed by Sisco and Little, are usually 5-6 second contractions.

6. After you have started growth hormone for 60 days and are continuing all the above, then consider testosterone replacement therapy, if your testosterone levels are still not increasing into normal ranges. Growth hormone and testosterone work together, so adding and balancing all the important hormones, melatonin, DHEA, growth hormone, thyroid, and cortisol, before adding testosterone will probably make testosterone replacement more effective and safe. However, Dr. Bob advised to not do testosterone replacement therapy, unless exercise, supplementation and other hormone replacement failed to increase testosterone levels. In other words, actual testosterone replacement therapy, according to Dr. Bob, should only occur after all other methods to increase testosterone levels had been exhausted.

In conclusion, there are many men who can benefit from testosterone therapy, helping them to gain lean tissue, reduce fat, help regulate metabolism, and many other benefits. However, in some men adding testosterone replacement might end up increasing the estrogen-testosterone ratio, which can possibly produce some cancers, such as prostrate cancer in men. Signs of estrogenization may be clues that testosterone therapy may not be appropriate. Dr. Bob felt that low testosterone levels needed to be addressed, but he advised a long-term method that he believed was safer and more effective than testosterone replacement therapy right at the start of low testosterone levels, especially for men with estrogenization characteristics. First he used natural methods to help keep estrogen-testosterone levels appropriate in men showing signs of estrogenization, as described in the first nutritional protocol in this article, and then later he built the hormone cascade, (there is an article on this web site describing the ideas of the hormonal cascade, called "Hormonal Cascade"), making the addition of testosterone last, as described in the hormonal ideas in this article. The building of the hormonal cascade is to make testosterone replacement therapy safer and more effective. Hormones do not work alone and by building the support around testosterone, this makes it more likely that testosterone will work as designed by Mother Nature, with more effectiveness and safety.

Great News for Impotent Type II Diabetics, Especially with Potbellies

Doctor's Note - Arimidex can be effective in helping restore free testosterone levels and helping restore potency in type II diabetics. This will work where penile injections, testosterone shots, v****, hypnotism, and everything short of vascular operations and implants have failed. Sometimes Arimidex may be the only thing that works. Please note --blood sugar in some type II diabetics goes down to near normal levels because testosterone is a hormone, which modulates excess glucose levels as well as builds muscles mass - you will burn more glucose more effectively. This is great news for impotent type II diabetics! Especially with potbellies.

Note – In order for these anti-aging ideas to be successful, you must use supplements of the highest quality. Dr. Bob often said, "almost all supplement companies produce poor quality." You can consider the product page of this web site. Almost all the products met Dr. Bob’s approval. Since he passed away we have attempted to keep the same high standards.


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The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any of the statements contained on this web site. The information contained in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Remember each person's body is different and will react differently to various herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements. Therefore, any supplementation must be administered on an individual basis. Use the information found on this web site as precisely that: Information. You and your doctor must make any final decisions. This information is not meant to replace any doctor and patient consultation. This information should in no way replace your personal physician's advice."


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Does he have any advice for someone with the complete opposite symptoms such as low bodyfat, weightlifter but with diffuse lose around back and sides of head?

Are there any supplements that do the exact opposite of the supps. mentioned?


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rogar6 said:
Does he have any advice for someone with the complete opposite symptoms such as low bodyfat, weightlifter but with diffuse lose around back and sides of head?

Are there any supplements that do the exact opposite of the supps. mentioned?

"(Note - Normal or high testosterone levels can also lead to estrogenization."
I think that both an aromatase and alpha-5-reductase inhibitor would work the best protecting the testosterone levels, balancing estrogen and D.H.T....Beta sitosterol is know to inhibit both, and provide a multi-angle-attack.

I believe procteting your testosterone is extremely important especially this day in age with all the xenoestrogen running around amuck!


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misterE said:
"Dr. Bob was a MD internal medicine, orthomolecular doctor, MD psychiatrist, chiropractor, and healer 65 years.

Chiropractor?? LOL!!

misterE said:
...However, in some men adding testosterone replacement might end up increasing the estrogen-testosterone ratio, which can possibly produce some cancers, such as prostrate cancer in men.

"Prostrate" cancer?? The level of erudition in this article is really impressive! :)


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Do you agree or disagree with this article Bryan?


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Axl_Rose said:
Do you agree or disagree with this article Bryan?

I have to give it a mixed review. It's not at all out of the question that some of the medical problems of aging men directly have to do with increasing levels of estrogen, but balding isn't one of them. To claim that balding is CAUSED by estrogen is a kind of guilt by association: aging men have more estrogen; aging men have more balding; therefore, estrogen CAUSES balding. It's a ridiculous, childish argument.


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Do you think that the rise in estrogen from finasteride could cause some of the problems listed in that article?


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After consulting a doctor he told me I have low testosterone problem, it affects something ? I did my test for measuring level of DHT and also has low


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I have followed the "Mister E vs Bryan" spat for a while and I don't like it.

I am, too, pro-orthomolecular medicine and not only for male pattern baldness but Mister E is a very bad ambassador and is giving orthomolecular medicine a bad name. Things are not so simple as he says and never quotes a study (Bryan does it some time but not always) while there are tons of studies that prove the efficacy of orthomolecular medicine, just read any book of Patrick Holford's (you don't have to agree with him, just read the references).

So my opinion is, everybody, when you talk of hormones, quote a study or shut up.


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Axl_Rose said:
Do you think that the rise in estrogen from finasteride could cause some of the problems listed in that article?

I don't see how it could. I believe the rise in estrogen levels in aging men (with the resulting impact on things like prostate problems, and loss of libido) is much greater than the small rise that you get with finasteride.


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vauxall said:
I am, too, pro-orthomolecular medicine and not only for male pattern baldness but Mister E is a very bad ambassador and is giving orthomolecular medicine a bad name. Things are not so simple as he says and never quotes a study (Bryan does it some time but not always) while there are tons of studies that prove the efficacy of orthomolecular medicine, just read any book of Patrick Holford's (you don't have to agree with him, just read the references).

I certainly don't have a problem with orthomolecular medicine, but I do object to lumping-in male pattern baldness with every other conceivable problem of aging, implying that if you could somehow "fix" aging, male pattern baldness will also be fixed. I think that male pattern baldness is the result of a specific flaw in the "design" of scalp hair follicles which causes them to become more and more sensitive to androgens over an individual's lifetime. The claims by Mister E that it's caused by a rise in estrogen are simply ridiculous. Estrogen is indeed bad for our bodies in numerous other respects, but it's good for our hair. It's a two-edged sword.


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Well, if we could fix aging we could surely cure hair loss too. The former is a much more complex problem than the latter. Plus, even people with male pattern baldness have hair until their teens, so the design mistake is also a function of time as is aging...